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Five Great Reasons Why You Need to Homeschool Now

Davis Carman|January 17, 2018

Why You Need To Homeschool From a Homeschool Veteran

When our first child was born more than twenty-five years ago, I didn’t have any reasons to homeschool. Homeschooling was the furthest thing from my mind. Now, as a publisher of homeschool curricula, there is no doubt I am in it for the long haul. Along the way, I have encouraged, even urged, many thousands of families to join me in undertaking this adventure of a lifetime. But in recent years, my tone in speaking with these families has transitioned from kind and gentle to bold and very serious. When speaking to groups of parents, I often share my 5 top reasons to homeschool.

The bottom line is this: How can a Christian parent even consider sending their children to a public school today?

 Yes, this is a strong statement. Tragically, the evening news far too often reminds us of its validity. And although the subject of physical safety is a very real and serious reason why you should consider homeschooling, it doesn’t come close to the spiritual dangers your child faces at a public school today and in the days to come.

Several times a year, I present a workshop at conferences titled “Give Me One Good Reason to Homeschool.” I open each session with a fun list of reasons to homeschool, such as “Your kids never miss the school bus” and “Playing with LEGOs counts as learning.” I then segue to a serious list of important reasons to educate your children at home.
Here are five reasons to homeschool from my top ten answers to the question–“Why Homeschool?”

5 Reasons to Homeschool

1. Living Deuteronomy 6
Scripture tells us to teach our kids to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. Jesus said this is the greatest commandment of all. As a homeschool parent, you can teach your children diligently when you rise up, when you lie down, when you sit, when you walk along the way—anytime!

2.  Exploring Creation Outdoors
Perhaps you have heard of Nature Deficit Disorder. It’s a real concern in today’s society. Let’s face it: For most kids today, their only outlet is . . . well, an outlet. But when you homeschool, your children are free to explore God’s creation as part of their curriculum.

3. Developing a Love of Learning
Are you lighting a fire or simply filling a bucket? Homeschool parents have a wonderful opportunity to instill in their kids a lifelong love of learning. One key is that you know your children better than anyone, and you can customize a curriculum that considers their interests, plays to their individual learning styles, and allows them to learn at their own pace. Our oldest didn’t read until he was ten, but he is now a college graduate with a degree in philosophy, and I can’t keep up with all the books he reads these days.

4. Learning in a Positive Social Environment
Apologia author Dr. Debra Bell likes to say, “If we were to build a school from the ground up based on how children learn best, we would build a home.” Many of us have chosen to homeschool to avoid the negative social environments found in public and private schools. The family home provides love, security, and nurture as part of a healthy and positive context in which a child can learn and thrive.  Educating your children at home is certainly good, but it is also natural.

5. Protecting Kids from the Liberal Agenda
Unless you were living under a rock, you know that the Supreme Court issued a troubling opinion on marriage that goes against what God Himself said about the sacred institution (Matthew 19:4–5). Already schools are indoctrinating children with a false definition of marriage and family, starting in kindergarten. In today’s society, hedonism is the new god, truth has been replaced with relativism, and homosexuality is officially sanctioned as a good and normal lifestyle that must be accepted by all, lest you be slapped with a lawsuit or worse.

The Time Is Now
While it may be true that it’s never too late to start homeschooling, why wait? Our children are most impressionable in their early years, and as we have learned, the public school system does not wait to start indoctrinating your child with a worldview that goes against practically everything Christians believe. Do not hesitate and let the world teach your child for you.

The enemy has been working his game plan for decades, from the dismissal of prayer in the classroom and the social acceptance of abortion to the “whatever” attitude that has permeated the hearts and minds of millions of young people. No five-year-old is prepared to handle today’s onslaught of brainwashing, bullying, and sexual deviancy. And how can we, as Christian parents, be okay with sending our tweens and teens to dark institutions to be harassed, pressured, desensitized, and possibly won over?

Now, I’m not saying that it’s a sin to send kids to public school. But we simply cannot ignore the facts any longer. As a loving and caring parent, you want the absolute best for your children, and you place a high value on their education, training, and discipleship. They will grow up before you know it, so make the most of this opportunity “because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:16).

Homeschooling is a choice, a lifestyle, a journey of epic proportions. Do you sense the urgency of the matter?  It is a walk of faith, one with great blessings for those willing to rely on God for the results. If you were ever going to start homeschooling, now is the time.

Davis Carman Apologia Educational Ministries Signature

Davis Carman
President | Apologia

Davis is the president of Apologia Educational Ministries, the #1 publisher of Creation-based science and Bible curriculum. He is also the author of four illustrated children’s books designed to help kids learn a biblical worldview. He believes that if there was ever a time to homeschool, it is now!  His books include: Good Morning, God,  which is based on Deuteronomy 6, A Light for My Path , an ABC book based on Psalm 119, In the Beginning, based on the Creation account in Genesis, and Psalms to Know Early.