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Taking School On the Road: Field Trip Checklist

Vicki Dincher|December 15, 2017

Your community and surrounding areas are treasure troves for a fun and educational field trip. Whether you are visiting a museum, nature center, historic site, weather station, factory, or other points of interest, here are some essential steps to keep in mind when planning your trip.

Assess your curriculum and your options

Consider upcoming lessons in science, language, history, or another subject, particularly those in which your student(s) may have a strong interest. Is there a topic they might like to explore in more depth? Or one that has generated lots of conversation? A good hands-on experience can provide them with the expertise you don’t have. Get your students involved in searching for appropriate destinations for your next field trip! Ask them to check bulletin boards at libraries, bookstores, coffee shops, and community centers for field trip ideas. Click here for additional links and ideas.

Assess the facility and its programs

E-mail the facility with your questions or a request for a phone call to discuss scheduling a visit. Have questions like these ready when you talk to the on-site representative:

Also, talk about what your students are studying and ask what things at the site might be of particular interest to them right now. Some program specialists will go out of their way to connect with your children’s interests!

Prepare your students and parents

Help everyone, including your hosts, to have a more fulfilling experience by discussing expectations beforehand. Students will have both personal and educational concerns. If you don’t address the personal concerns ahead of time, they may detract from the educational experience. For example, let them know what to expect in the way of snacks, lunch and bathroom breaks, and how to behave.

Encourage students to explore the location’s website or brochures so they will know what to expect before they arrive. Have each student prepare three questions about the facility and keep the list of questions handy to refer to during the field trip.

Parents will have a very different set of concerns. Be sure each family is prepared with a list of any materials they will need for the trip. Be clear about who is eligible to attend the event, particularly if age or number restrictions apply. Discuss arrangements for younger or older children who may be traveling with the group and clearly define the responsibilities of each adult attending.

Talk with parents about travel and logistics for the day. Groups arriving in multiple vehicles will need specifics about where to rendezvous at the site. Set a meeting time twenty minutes ahead of your scheduled tour.
If you have a large group, consider using the buddy system to allow students to explore while keeping in contact with a chaperone. And make sure everyone is in agreement about how much time will be spent on nonessentials like a trip to the gift shop.

Monitor the paper trail

Keep all the pertinent paperwork for your field trip in one place. Here are a few items you will need at your fingertips:

Be prepared for the fun! 

Spend some time discussing with your students what sights you may see, how the trip relates to their studies, and what your students are most excited about. Remember that enthusiasm is contagious!

Enjoy retelling the experience

At the end of your visit, be sure to thank the onsite personnel for sharing their talents and expertise. Encourage students to mention highlights of their day. On the way home, encourage students to brainstorm ways they can record and demonstrate what they learned from the field trip. Enjoy calling on everyone’s experiences in the days ahead as you continue to explore this field of study.

Vicki Dincher, Author, Apologia HomeschoolVicki Dincher holds a master’s degree in biology. Her four children, all homeschooled, have earned or are pursuing graduate degrees in the sciences. Vicki has taught high school science, including Advanced Placement courses, since 1995. She remains active in her local homeschool community as director of Creative Home Educators Support Services (CHESS) and creative director for Encore! Home School Productions. Vicki and her husband, Jerry, live in Camp Hill, PA.  Vicki is the author of Exploring Creation with Physical Science Student Notebook, Exploring Creation with General Science Student Notebook, Exploring Creation with Biology Student Notebook, and Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology: The Human Body.