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Homeschool Field Trip Organization Made Easy

Michelle Moody|September 21, 2017

It is exciting to discover an interesting homeschool field trip destination and organize a group visit. Your idea may be so popular with your homeschool group that you decide to organize multiple visits. There are many details that go along with planning a homeschool field trip with a group of other families. How can you easily keep a record of these details?

Ā Manage Homeschool Field Trip Registrations with One Tool

Make registration for your field trip easier for you and more convenient for the participating families by providing a Google form. The information entered through the form is stored in a spreadsheet in the Google Drive associated with your Gmail account. The participating families do not need a Gmail account to use the form.
Here isĀ information regardingĀ how to create a Google form from a Gmail account.
Ā Fields to include in your homeschool field trip registration form:
  • Name
  • Phone number, in the event you need to reschedule at the last minute
  • Email address
  • Number of children and number of adults. Some locations charge different admission prices for adults and children. Other locations may want to know the ratio of adults to children.
  • Will a parent be attending with the children or another responsible adult? Sometimes parents register, but grandparents attend with the children. It can be helpful to know this information.
  • Amount due, if there is an admission or participation fee.
  • Dues paid. You can make this a check box, a yes/no field, or an open-ended field for the amount.
  • Which date the family prefers to attend? This information is helpful if you are scheduling multiple visits to a location.
  • Second option date, should you be offering multiple dates for your field trip.
  • Permission form returned? Ā This can be a yes/no field. Some locations may want a photo release or permission form signed by each child attending the field trip. This field will help you keep a record of returned forms.
  • Group number. If you are organizing multiple visits/groups, use this field to assign a family to a specific group. For example: Group 1, Group 2, etc.
Special Note
  • There is a space on the Google form to write instructions. Ā For privacy reasons, you may not want to put the date, time, or location of the field trip in the instructions. While the form is only visible to those who have the link, it is a precaution to keep the date, time, and location details confined to private follow-up emails.

Michelle Eichhorn has been homeschooling since 1999. She served as the marketing director for Apologia Educational Ministries.