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Who Are You?

Apologia Marketing|February 5, 2019

“Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.”  John 1:12

Who are you?

God really likes you! We’ve all heard how God ‘loves’ us, yet sometimes we think He ‘has to’ love us because He is love. This is far from the truth! Consider that Jesus even loves those who reject him, as He died for His enemies. So, imagine how much He loves those who truly believe! To these, He has given the right to become His children. Now born of God, you are part of His family. In a world that rejects Him, don’t you think those who believe in Him bring the greatest joy? You are not someone He merely allows into eternity—He enjoys you! You are a favored son. You are a favored daughter. Your Father in Heaven rejoices over you. He ‘likes’ you!

You’ve received salvation, eternal life, and grace.

From the fullness of His grace, you’ve received one blessing after another (v. 16). You’ve inherited salvation since your sins won’t count against you because of Christ’s atonement. He has given you eternal life in heaven where there is no more sorrow. You are no longer under the Old Testament rules and regulations. Your salvation is not about anything you can do; it’s about what’s been done by Jesus Christ (so no one can boast). All you’re asked to do is to love God and love your neighbor as yourself.

Peace comes with knowing who you are.

This brings peace, knowing that this life is not the end, and what’s to come will far surpass anything this world offers. This is one blessing after another: grace instead of the Law, the peace of God, divine love, and eternal life. This is what God does for those He enjoys… that includes you!

Think Divinely: God not only loves you, He really likes you!
Let that thought soak into your mind and become your reality.

Lisa Quintana is a Christian Apologist and blogs at She is a former broadcast reporter and left her career to stay home and raise her two children. She also homeschooled her son during his middle school years, while earning a Master’s degree in Apologetics at Biola University (Dec. 2017). She now teaches classes at her church in Madison, Wisconsin, and has been happily married for over 26 years.

Make sure to visit Think Divinely and read more on learning to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, and all our MINDS: to Think Divinely!

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