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Has anyone seen my magic wand?

Rachael Carman|October 16, 2023

Has anyone seen my magic wand? It’s got to be around here somewhere, or at least I thought it was….

The laundry is piling up. Dinner needs to be fixed. I need to call Mom, get ready for the day – oh, and shower!

Do any of you remember Bewitched? It was the forerunner to the more recent witch shows and a whole lot more innocent. Elizabeth Montgomery played Samantha, a closet witch. She was married to a mortal, Darrin, who was an average advertising executive. Her mother, Endora, and Dr. Bombay were regularly in my living room and my imagination. I think it’s their fault.

I remember that when something didn’t go how she wanted it to, Samantha would cast a spell (or twitch her nose and adjust it). She tried to hide her powers with relative success, but in every show, she was bewitching. It’s been years, but oh, how I wish any problem’s solution was just a nose wiggle away.

Bippity, boppity, boo!

What would you do if you had a magic wand? The dishes? The laundry? Match the socks? Would you organize all the books? Organize a closet? Take a nap? Clean out the garage? Plan this week’s menu? Go grocery shopping? Maybe you would balance your checkbook? Do some filing? Answer emails? Sort your pictures? Bippity, boppity, boo!

I wish I had a magic wand; at least, I think I do. It seems like things would be so much easier. I think that I could get more done, do more of the really important things. Having a magic wand would make all the difference, or would it?

It’s Not the Answer

Mom and daughter cleaning a glass door together.

See, the magic wand isn’t the answer, nor is the twitching of a nose or pixie dust. In fact, the idea behind it – eliminating the mundane, inconvenient, and imperfect is actually dangerous. To get rid of such things would grant us comfort and ease here in the world, and we weren’t meant for here

Things are not supposed to be perfect or easy here. Our struggle against sin, the pain and frustration it causes – the irritations and interruptions – should all remind us and drive us to our need for Him – our longing for our real home in Heaven.

Why We Want a “Magic Wand”

Behind our desire for the magic wand is our impatience, our desire to be God, and our longing to control all our circumstances. We are impatient with processes. We don’t want anything to take time; we want it now, and we want it perfect. We don’t want to have to wait. We want it our way; we don’t really want to have to submit to God or even ask; we want to take care of it ourselves. We like the idea of being able to determine our course; we’d change a few things – never go through trials and opt for “easy” every time.

The magic wand would be our answer to every problem. And there’s the rub. Instead of longing for a magic wand, why not worship His majestic wonders – the work of His hands? Instead of wanting it easy and instant, why not choose to enjoy the process – to breathe, exhale, and stop rushing it all? Why not stop pining after something that isn’t and start pondering the hope and assurance of Heaven? 

Why am I longing for a magic wand? Is it because I want a different answer than God’s? Maybe it’s because I don’t like His timing. Or maybe it’s because I don’t like the process of sanctification. Is it because I want it my way? All of those issues come down to just one thing: trust. When I start dreaming and desiring a magic wand more than His Majestic Worth, then I slip into idolatry. In short, I don’t trust Him. I’ve decided He’s wrong or slow or late or incapable. 

Better Than A Wand

Here’s the deal: there is no magic wand, but there is His mighty right hand – which He promises to uphold us with. There is His mercy – which is new every morning. There is His love manifested in Christ’s outstretched arms at Calvary, His forgiveness as we accept and acknowledge our needs and His grace in the gift of salvation. And He is enough.

As wonderfully convenient as it sounds, magic wands don’t exist, and it is for our good. God invites us to endure, persevere, and trust Him patiently. To fold the towels, sweep the floor, wash the dishes, and balance the checkbook with joy. Sometimes He offers us the opportunity to leave the dishes in the sink or the laundry piled on the sofa so we can read, play with the kids, snuggle with our husband, or take a walk outside. Either way, He urges us to long for Him, His glory, and His will more than anything else.



You are Enough. All of our answers are found in You. Teach us to rest in your enoughness. Help us to stop wanting it all now, all perfect, all together. As we go through our days, grant us eyes to see what we need to see and discernment to know what to do. Don’t allow us to judge others. Make us encouragers of our children, husbands, friends, strangers, and neighbors. Enlarge our understanding of our forever home with You in heaven, and may that vision – that anticipation – bring a smile to our face, put a spring in our step, and a song on our lips. You are Worthy!

In Jesus’ Name,
Do you ever wish you had a magic wand to wish your problems away?  Here’s the deal: there is no magic wand, but there is His mighty right hand.