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You Are a Homeschool Hero

You Are a Homeschool Hero

By Davis CarmanIt’s been more than two years since that day in March 2020 when American schools closed their doors and the word “coronavirus” forced its way into everyone’s vocabulary. Suddenly, the education of millions of children and teens ground to a halt. Most parents, understandably in shock, waited for government schools to provide a workable solution....Read More
Support Your Child’s Unique Learning Style

Support Your Child’s Unique Learning Style

By Alyssa EspositoHelp Your Child Thrive with Homeschool Resources to Support Your Child’s Unique Learning Style We all know that each child is incredibly unique. From one child or sibling to the next, the differences are vast. As a homeschool parent, you become aware of each child’s distinct facial characteristics, mannerisms, interests, preferences, motivators, and learning styles....Read More
Are You on a School Waiting List?

Are You on a School Waiting List?

By Davis CarmanWaiting in line is no fun. At least it used to be no fun. Today, it doesn’t seem to bother people as much as it did before the distraction of smartphones, which allow people to scroll through social media feeds as a way of killing time. On a related note, what about waitlists? Is it...Read More
The Vaccine Hot Potato

The Vaccine Hot Potato

By Davis CarmanVaccines have always been a hot potato. These days, vaccination seems to be more of a red-hot, blister-burning coal than a hand-warming, foil-wrapped spud. I’m confident that you and the rest of our readers have done some research on vaccines in the last 24 months. Therefore, it’s reasonable for me to assume that you are...Read More
Why We Love Apologia Math

Why We Love Apologia Math

By Alyssa EspositoMany students grow up loving math. They love the way it’s a universally understood language and that it has finite answers and patterns. Breezing through their curriculum, they enjoy all things numbers. But there are also many students who struggle with, or simply don’t enjoy math. For those students, there was a point in time,...Read More
This Kairos Moment

This Kairos Moment

By Davis CarmanThe Greek language has two words for “time” — chronos and kairos. Chronos is quantitative, denoting chronological or sequential time — the forward propelling of time that we measure with clocks. On the other hand, kairos is qualitative. It is the right, critical, proper, and opportune time to take action. Kairos means taking advantage of or even creating a perfect moment to deliver a...Read More
Take a Tour of NASA Labs

Take a Tour of NASA Labs

By Rachael YunisDamian Ludwiczak is the Chief of the Mechanisms and Tribology Branch at the NASA Glenn Research Center. He’s the author of the Apologia title Exploring Creation with High School Astronomy and technical editor and content contributor to the Young Explorer title, Exploring Creation with Astronomy. Damian gave us a tour of some of his labs....Read More
Creationism v. the Other Worldviews

Creationism v. the Other Worldviews

By Davis CarmanApologia publishes Creation-based science curricula. I hope you realize just how unique this is in a world saturated in Darwinism and the teaching of evolution. The perspective from which you teach science will have a profound influence on the understanding, interpretation, and worldview of your students. I believe that all subjects—science, math, language, history, and...Read More
Homeschool Rocks

Homeschool Rocks

By Davis CarmanHave you ever seen those rocks in front of public school buildings with a spray-painted message announcing the news of a kid’s birthday? That’s all well and good, but I can think of much bigger news to share. I believe that the best news going on in America right now is the homeschooling movement. In...Read More
What I Did During Summer Vacation

What I Did During Summer Vacation

By Davis CarmanOur Summer Vacation Summer vacation – how many times did you get this writing assignment as a school-age kid? I personally enjoyed putting pen to paper each September since our family did a fairly good job of making sure a good vacation happened sometime during the summer break. Some years we went on a camping...Read More