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Burning Hearts on the Road to Emmaus

Burning Hearts on the Road to Emmaus

By Apologia Marketing“Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?” (Luke 24:32) Two Disciples Meet the Lord on the Road to Emmaus Luke records the story of two disciples who meet the risen Lord as they walk along the road from Jerusalem to...Read More
Fresh Wind and Healing Oil – Holy Spirit Refreshment

Fresh Wind and Healing Oil – Holy Spirit Refreshment

By Davis CarmanFresh Wind and Healing Oil – Holy Spirit Refreshment  “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8) God Breathes His Spirit Into Those Who Receive His...Read More
Open Minds Understand Scripture – Luke 24:45

Open Minds Understand Scripture – Luke 24:45

By Apologia Marketing“Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.” Luke 24:45 Only Open Minds Understand Scripture Scoffers do not have an open mind toward Jesus; they do not have open minds that understand the scripture. So, it makes sense that the Bible seem foolish to them. It’s Christ who illuminates His Word to...Read More
Romance – A Valentine’s Day Devotional

Romance – A Valentine’s Day Devotional

By Apologia Marketing“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) Love is First Shown to Us by God On Valentine’s Day, we celebrate the romantic relationship of love between a man and a woman. For many...Read More
The John 3:16 of the Old Testament

The John 3:16 of the Old Testament

By Apologia MarketingThe Prophet Zephaniah gives a good reminder for us today in “John 3:16” of the Old Testament. The prophet Zephaniah is perhaps the only Old Testament prophet who was of royal descent. He may have been the great-great-grandson of King Hezekiah, a godly king who brought about great reform in Judah. But since the death...Read More
Who Are You?

Who Are You?

By Apologia Marketing“Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.”  John 1:12 Who are you? God really likes you! We’ve all heard how God ‘loves’ us, yet sometimes we think He ‘has to’ love us because He is love. This is far from...Read More
The Best Way to Get Your Homeschool Off to a Good Start

The Best Way to Get Your Homeschool Off to a Good Start

By Davis Carman  So you already know in your heart that you should be getting started homeschooling. And you know that with God you can do all things, including climbing this mountain called homeschooling (Matthew 19:26; Philippians 4:13). Yes, the journey will require courage, strength, and perseverance, but you have made the decision and you’re ready to...Read More
Choosing a College – What Homeschoolers Should Expect

Choosing a College – What Homeschoolers Should Expect

By Apologia MarketingThe process of choosing a college can be daunting for anyone. However, as homeschool parents who fill the multiple roles of instructor, principal, and guidance counselor, we feel added responsibility and pressure when it comes to advising our students. Indeed, if you have a teen who is planning to attend college, you need to be...Read More
The Great Conversation – Pursuit of Truth

The Great Conversation – Pursuit of Truth

By Apologia Marketing“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”  John 1:1 The Great Conversation: What is the Purpose of Life? Humanity has always pondered the meaning of life. There is a hunger in our hearts for purpose: what’s the point? Why am I here? Hundreds of years...Read More
Until the Appearing

Until the Appearing

By Apologia Marketing“…to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,” 1 Timothy 6:14 Until The Appearing – Desperately Waiting Waiting is hard. When the New Testament authors wrote the gospel, they may have thought that Jesus would come back in their lifetime. There was an urgency to their writing,...Read More