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Psalm 37: Delight in the Lord

Psalm 37: Delight in the Lord

By Davis CarmanTake delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4) Psalm 37 is perhaps best known for this promise: “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” But there’s a lot more going on here, all of which expands on the...Read More
Happy Birthday! The Birth of Jesus

Happy Birthday! The Birth of Jesus

By Doug PowellIt’s hard for most of us to imagine celebrating the birth of Jesus on any other day than December 25th. However, the fact is we don’t know when Jesus was born. This wasn’t a problem for the earliest Christians because they didn’t celebrate Jesus’ birth at all. Their celebrations focused entirely on Easter, the day...Read More
Free Printable: Edible Ornaments

Free Printable: Edible Ornaments

By Rachael YunisDo you have some leftover candies from gingerbread house decorating? We have an easy way to make cute Christmas ornaments with those goodies.  Sweeten up your Christmas science fun with these quick and easy Christmas ornaments. Enjoy a family activity night with hot cocoa and gather a few simple materials for hours of fun. These...Read More
Your Christmas Schedule – Flustered or Flexible?

Your Christmas Schedule – Flustered or Flexible?

By Davis CarmanThere are plenty of good reasons to educate your children at home, and I’ve put together a top ten list that’s intended for fun but is true nonetheless. Counting down from number ten: 10. Your kids will never miss the bus. 9. Praying and reading the Bible are allowed. 8. You don’t have to make...Read More
Why Homeschool Teens?

Why Homeschool Teens?

By Debra BellI am all for Christians entering and engaging the culture. That’s the end goal. But I’m convinced adolescence is not the time to make this our priority. It’s like trying to launch a rocket with a rubber band. So why homeschool for the long term? Here are the reasons that convinced us to teach high...Read More
Sound Waves Science Lesson with “Chicken Clucking”

Sound Waves Science Lesson with “Chicken Clucking”

By Apologia MarketingWhat is Sound? Sound starts as a vibration of the molecules in the air, called sound waves. If the sound wave makes it into a person’s ear, it will vibrate the structures of the inner ear, which will be interpreted by the brain as sound! If sound is caused by a sound wave, why are...Read More
Hypocrisy versus Integrity

Hypocrisy versus Integrity

By Davis Carman“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which appear beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and every impurity.” (Matthew 23:27) An expert sailor with many years of experience prepared to navigate a solo trip across the Atlantic. He commissioned a boat made to his...Read More
Writing Doesn’t Have to Involve Kleenexes®

Writing Doesn’t Have to Involve Kleenexes®

By Sharon WatsonWriting is hard. At least, that’s what students tell me. Writing makes their hands hurt. They don’t know where to begin. They don’t know how to construct paragraphs. If they’re not interested in the topic, they can’t think of anything to write anyway. The list goes on and on and is pretty much the same...Read More
Praise Him in the Storm

Praise Him in the Storm

By Davis CarmanBecause of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness! (Lamentations 3:22–23) The book of Lamentations is traditionally attributed to the prophet Jeremiah. Sometimes called the weeping prophet, Jeremiah’s writings mourn the capture of Jerusalem by the Babylonians. He had warned...Read More
Life Squeezing You Like a Sponge?

Life Squeezing You Like a Sponge?

By Davis CarmanJesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone is thirsty, he should come to Me and drink! The one who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, will have streams of living water flow from deep within him.” (John 7:37–38) How do you spend the first hour of each morning? Do you pray in...Read More