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High School Students: Write a Resume

High School Students: Write a Resume

By Marilyn ShannonDo you know how to write a resume? Suppose a family friend alerts you to a part-time job opportunity that sounds perfect for you. Or you learn of an outstanding scholarship in your area of interestā€”except the deadline is in two days and the application is four pages long. Ā Do you know how to write...Read More
Devotional: Holy Spirit with Every Breath

Devotional: Holy Spirit with Every Breath

By Davis CarmanThe Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.Ā (Job 33:4) The Holy Spirit Brings Life The Holy Spirit is the Breath of the Almighty. He gives life to all living things, and in Him, we live and move and exist (Acts 17:28). When Adam was created, God breathed...Read More
Six Tips to Inspire Your Homeschool Science

Six Tips to Inspire Your Homeschool Science

By Vicki DincherScience is about the wonder, discovery, and exploration of God’s Creation. Here are six tips to encourage and inspire your homeschool science plans. 1. Get organized and work smarter, not harder. Spend an hour or two each week looking over and planning the week. As a homeschooling mom of four, I enjoyed going to the...Read More
Creating a Lively Home

Creating a Lively Home

By Tessa CarmanThe home, and its surrounding community, used to be the center of family life, a place pulsing with productivity and learning. A lively home is hard to find now. How can you cultivate one? Let’s find out!Ā  When my brother and I started school at home, we had already experienced both public and private schools....Read More
Devotional: The Wright Way to Rest

Devotional: The Wright Way to Rest

By Davis CarmanThe Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. (Mark 2:27) I enjoy reading and am especially drawn to biographies. In October 2015, I spent a good portion of a long international flight listening to the audiobook version of The Wright Brothers by David McCullough. I also have a natural interest in aviation....Read More
How to Homeschool with Stunning Confidence, Contagious Joy, and Amazing Focus

How to Homeschool with Stunning Confidence, Contagious Joy, and Amazing Focus

By Apologia MarketingGet Started Homeschooling with Confidence Whether you are getting started with your homeschool journey or have been on this path for some time, we want to help you be confident, joyous, and focused in your homeschooling. Our reasons for homeschooling are often as varied as our families. There are some common threads, however, and struggles...Read More
Tips for Homeschooling Multiple Ages

Tips for Homeschooling Multiple Ages

By Vicki DincherOne of the many benefits and challenges of homeschooling is the mix of ages gathered in your school each day. Popular culture says effective teaching means dividing everyone up by ages into ā€œgradesā€ and handing out materials that have been assigned to that group to learn. Children will certainly be mastering skills at different ages,...Read More
Devotional: A Brief Theology of Time

Devotional: A Brief Theology of Time

By Davis CarmanDevotional: A Brief Theology of Time Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts. (Psalm 90:12) Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, school events, the turning of the calendar, even our kidsā€™ soccer scheduleā€”all remind us of the unstoppable forward march of time. Time is part of Godā€™s plan, and...Read More
12 Resources to Study Weather with Students

12 Resources to Study Weather with Students

By Vicki DincherEver planned a family picnic only to have it rained out?Ā Rather than think of it as missed outing, look at this as an opportunity to study weather with your children. We all want to plan our outdoor events for when the weather is prime. Of course, you can just pick a time and hope for...Read More
Does My Child Have to Choose a Career Path NOW?

Does My Child Have to Choose a Career Path NOW?

By Sherri SeligsonWe want our children to succeed but how do we facilitate this? How necessary is it that our children choose a career path before graduating high school? Read More