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Ah, Motherhood 🌸

Ah, Motherhood 🌸

By Rachael CarmanMotherhood is exhilarating.  It is far more of every emotion than I could have ever imagined- more challenging, more joyous, more encouraging, more exhausting, more work, and more rewarding. Every emotion is heightened, every conviction is confronted, every hope is required and every aspect of love is tested. Pregnancy has been one of my favorite...Read More
How to Plan a Homeschool Graduation 🎓

How to Plan a Homeschool Graduation 🎓

By Davis CarmanAfter 26 years of homeschooling, and seven graduates to show for it, I am intimately familiar with homeschool graduations. Just like public and private school commencement exercises, a homeschool graduation is a ceremony where students who have completed their high school education at home receive a diploma and are recognized for their achievements. These ceremonies...Read More
Parenting “That Child”

Parenting “That Child”

By Trisha VuongIn this 3-part audio series, Rachael Carman speaks with Yvette Hampton of Schoolhouse Rocked to talk all about parenting “that child.” Rachael has spoken all over the country, with permission from her son to moms, on this very relatable topic. If you have a child in your family that is more challenging for you than...Read More
Education is NOT the Answer

Education is NOT the Answer

By Davis CarmanAnd the LORD God commanded the man, saying, ‘You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.’ — Genesis 2:16-17 Plenty of problems exist in the...Read More
God, The Word, is…

God, The Word, is…

By Davis CarmanIn the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men…And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us… — John 1:1, 3,...Read More
Praying for Your Homeschool

Praying for Your Homeschool

By Rachael CarmanII Thessalonians 5:18 says, “Pray at all times.” Those of us who have been called to homeschool our children and have faithfully answered that call must be diligent in our prayers. It is important to spend time praying for your homeschool. We must constantly seek God’s will as we educate our children. We must listen...Read More
Radically Intentional Parenting

Radically Intentional Parenting

By Trisha VuongRadical intentional parenting is how Davis Carman describes his path in parenthood with his wife, Rachael. He recently sat with Yvette Hampton of Schoolhouse Rocked in a 3-part video series, to talk about his top 10 parenting decisions that have shaped the culture of their family. Davis and his wife, Rachael, have seven children who...Read More
Family Reading and Devotions

Family Reading and Devotions

By April LeshFreedom is one of the biggest blessings of choosing to homeschool your children. You can focus on: “what kind of home environment- what kind of nurturing feelings do I want to cultivate in these little souls that God has given me to raise?” Beyond the typical breakfast, lunch, and dinner staples, in our homeschool, there...Read More
Hope for Homeschooling With Anxiety and Depression

Hope for Homeschooling With Anxiety and Depression

By Trisha VuongHomeschooling alone has its set of challenges. Homeschooling with anxiety or depression can feel near impossible. They can paralyze us with fear and hopelessness. Homeschool moms, especially, carry an incredible amount of responsibility. In turn, we must be equipped and prepared with coping tools. Our own Rachael Carman, the first lady of Apologia, had the...Read More
6 Ways to Be a Superhero Parent

6 Ways to Be a Superhero Parent

By Davis CarmanWith nice weather approaching, you might be thinking about how to keep your children occupied and out of trouble. You probably don’t want them playing video games all day, and you certainly don’t want them incessantly complaining about being “bored.” As a homeschooling superhero parent, you also might want to have a little bit of...Read More