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Romance – A Valentine’s Day Devotional

Apologia Marketing|February 19, 2019

ā€œFor we are Godā€™s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.ā€ Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

Love is First Shown to Us by God

On Valentineā€™s Day, we celebrate the romantic relationship of love between a man and a woman. For many of us, however, this day doesnā€™t bring romance; instead, it brings pain. Pain in the past from failed relationships, or pain in the present from no relationship. But we must remember that love is first shown to us by God, and this relationship is always present.

God Loves Us – He Is Love

God first loved us, and He wants us to love Him back. Thatā€™s the first commandment. Weā€™re to be in a love relationship with our Creator, who designed us for this very purpose. Do you ever wonder why? God certainly didnā€™t ā€œneedā€ to make human beings. Heā€™s already content in His own triune relationship of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So, considering the grief people have caused Him, why would He bother with us? I think itā€™s because He IS love. And what does love do? Love gives. Love creates beauty, and Love wants to share! God wants to share Himself with you, and you are created as His beautiful masterpiece. A masterpiece is the finest and best work. You are Godā€™s finest and best work of art!

Created By God for His Love

The human body alone is masterful. Just think of how your body operates; for example, the intricacies of eyesight highlight the miraculous! Also, scientists have mapped out the human genome, the genetic codes of your DNA (your bodyā€™s recipe card), and DNA shows your body is so finely-tuned that it could not be by chance or accident. You are no accident! You were designed to be the crowning achievement of Godā€™s creation.

Think Divinely: You are Godā€™s masterpiece!
This Valentineā€™s Day celebrate the love relationship between
the Author and His artworkā€”you!

Lisa Quintana is a Christian Apologist and blogs at She is a former broadcast reporterĀ and left her career to stay home and raise her two children. She also homeschooled her son during his middle school years, while earning a Masterā€™s degree in Apologetics at Biola University (Dec. 2017). She now teaches classes at her church in Madison, Wisconsin, and has been happily married for over 26 years.

Make sure to visitĀ Think DivinelyĀ and read more on learning to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, and all our MINDS: toĀ Think Divinely!

If you enjoyed this devotional by Lisa Quintana, you might enjoy readingĀ The Great Conversation.