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The Maker of Heaven and Earth

Davis Carman|September 30, 2024

Isaiah 40:28 states:

“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable.”

Almighty God is the maker of heaven and earth. Without Him, nothing that exists would come into being. He is the only one who can create matter, time—and certainly life—out of nothing. We are here as a result of God’s craftsmanship, made in the very image of our Creator. He not only made the universe from nothing but continues to hold all things together.

Reflecting on God’s Creation

Consider the atom. Atoms consist of electrons swirling around a nucleus of protons and neutrons. If you were to split an atom, it would result in a massive nuclear explosion. Just think about the unimaginable number of atoms in the universe and the catastrophic destruction that would ensue if all were to split simultaneously. Yet this immense power is held in check by the greater presence and power of God.

This week, take a moment to appreciate the variety, complexity, and beauty of God’s creation. Look up at the night sky and gaze at the moon, stars, and planets. Go for a walk and collect some leaves or flowers, observing the diversity in shapes, colors, and scents. Notice the wildlife outside your window, listening to nature’s voices and their unique songs. Stare into the eyes of your children, hold their little faces in your hands, and remember that God knitted them together, forming their inmost parts and breathing into them the breath of life.

A Personal Connection with the Creator

Then reflect on this: The same Creator who made all things and holds all things together knows everything about you. He knows your every thought and every need. He is vast enough to provide whatever you lack and near enough to help. He made you, knows you, and loves you more than you could ever imagine. He is the maker of heaven and earth.

A Prayer of Reflection


Forgive my unbelief when I have doubted your existence. Forgive my stubborn will for not always trusting you to work things out in my life. Thank you for your promise that you will never leave or forsake me. Help me today to have faith and to reflect your glory and loving kindness in everything I say and do. I worship you, Father, maker of heaven and earth. I pray this in the name of Jesus, who was there in the beginning with you.
