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Think Like Christ, Be Like Christ, Do Like Christ

Davis Carman|March 18, 2021

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2)

Think Like Christ Be Like Christ Do Like Christ blog by Davis CarmanIn Romans 12:1–21, the apostle Paul pens a wonderful admonition that I would humbly summarize in three points:

  1. Think like Christ.
  2. Be like Christ.
  3. Do like Christ.

Renewing Your Mind to Think and Be Like Christ

Being transformed by the renewing of your mind pretty much covers these first two points. A few chapters earlier, in Romans 8:29, Paul said that God intends for the redeemed, His adopted children, to “be conformed to the image of his Son.” When you think about it, it makes perfect sense that renewing your mind and being conformed to the image of Christ go hand in hand. The more your mind is renewed, the more you will think like Christ. And the more you think like Christ, the more you will be like Christ.

Although these lofty pursuits—thinking and being like Christ—won’t be fully attained in this life, they should be the unwavering aim of every Christian disciple. Transformation begins by renewing the mind, which can only be achieved by letting go of our old default patterns of worldly thinking and instead immersing ourselves daily in reliable truth. And what better way to learn how Christ thinks than by meditating on His Word and communing with His Spirit?

Think Like Christ, Be Like Christ, Do Like Christ, Homeschool 101 Blog by Davis Carman


Renewing Brings About Doing

Now, as you continually renew your mind and become more like Christ day by day, a (super)natural by-product of your ongoing transformation will be a desire to love and act and speak as Jesus would. You probably remember the WWJD bracelets that were ubiquitous in church youth groups of the 1990s. WWJD stood for “What would Jesus do?” a question that was popularized a hundred years earlier by the Charles M. Sheldon novel In His Steps. Of course, this idea of imitating Christ and following His example has been around since before the writings of Peter and Paul. Jesus Himself said, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing” (John 14:12).

Take time today to read all of Romans chapter 12, where Paul lists the acts of a true Christian. His list includes living a life devoted to prayer, showing hospitality, serving with zeal, rejoicing with those who rejoice, weeping with those who weep, living in peace and harmony with others, and overcoming evil with good. In other words, love the Lord your God with all your mind (THINK) and heart and soul and strength (BE), and love your neighbor as yourself (DO).

And it all starts with reading the Word and renewing your mind. Just sayin’.


Dear Father in Heaven,

I want to set my mind on things eternal—to think like Jesus. Renew my thinking so that my entire being may be transformed into His likeness. I pray that I will be careful to do what Jesus would do. May my speech, my actions, and my attitude be the same as those of Christ Jesus. Bring glory to Yourself through my life.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Walking by faith and enjoying the homeschooling adventure of a lifetime!

Davis Carman

Davis is the president of Apologia Educational Ministries, the #1 publisher of Creation- based science and Bible curriculum. He is the author of five illustrated children’s books designed to help parents instill a biblical worldview in the hearts and minds of their preschoolers. He believes that if there was ever a time to homeschool, it is now! You can hear more of what he has to say at the Let’s Talk Homeschool Podcast.

© 2021 Davis Carman

Think Like Christ, Be Like Christ, Do Like Christ blog post by Davis Carman