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Apologia’s award-winning homeschool chemistry curriculum offers in-depth discussions and explanations of concepts, a user-friendly flow of topics, as well as biographical sketches of Christian scientists who have made a difference in the field while giving glory to God through their work.

This homeschool course provides a rigorous foundation in chemistry that will prepare students for college-level science.

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“Our family enjoys Apologia’s conversational style, familiar to students raised on Charlotte Mason-style living books. We also appreciate the seamless addition of Scripture and Creation information in Exploring Creation with Chemistry; it better prepares us to give solid scientific answers to support our Biblical beliefs without compromising our faith or scientific integrity. Ultimately, there is no better reason to study chemistry, and this is where Apologia excels. Overall, we appreciate how well Apologia’s award-winning chemistry program plucks panicked parents out of the quicksand and sets them on solid Biblical and scientific ground.”
– Christy Bagasao

About Apologia's High School Chemistry Course

  • Topics Covered in Apologia’s Homeschool High School Chemistry Course

    Exploring Creation with Chemistry provides the homeschool high school student with a detailed introduction to the methods and concepts of general chemistry, as well as a multitude of chemistry lab experiments that develop the concepts further.

    The 16 modules and their experiments in this course cover:

    • Measurement, Units, and the Scientific Method
    • Atoms and Molecules
    • Atomic Structure
    • Molecular Structure
    • Polyatomic Ions and Molecular Geometry
    • Changes in Matter and Chemical Reactions
    • Describing Chemical Reactions
    • Stoichiometry
    • Acid-Base Chemistry
    • The Chemistry of Solutions
    • The Gas Phase
    • Energy, Heat, and Temperature
    • Thermodynamics
    • Kinetics
    • Chemical Equilibrium
    • Reduction-Oxidation Reactions

    This course is written to your student in a conversational way that makes the textbook the topic expert, your student the independent learner, and you, the parent, the ultimate mentor.

  • Components of Apologia’s Chemistry Course for High School

    Our high school chemistry science curriculum helps homeschool students investigate, discover, recognize, appreciate, discuss, and understand the wonders of Creation. High school students are equipped for college studies with our academically rigorous science curriculum because we aren’t just a textbook. Below are the components of this homeschool high school chemistry curriculum:


    • Award-winning, college preparatory, high school chemistry curriculum
    • Chemistry labs designed to be rigorous yet homeschool-friendly
    • Additional 14 optional microchemistry experiments
    • Access to supplementary online materials

    Solutions and Tests

    • Detailed explanations to textbook questions and math equations
    • Detailed explanations to lab questions and math equations
    • 16 module exams and detailed solutions
    • Quarterly exams and detailed solutions

    Spiral Bound Student Notebook

    • Detailed, yet flexible, day-to-day schedule
    • Module organization and notetaking space
    • Complete lab forms
    • Final project pages for creating and interpreting graphs in science.
    • Rubrics for grading and a place to record all grades

    Video Instruction

    • Over 20 hours of instructional video covering each module concept
    • Animated diagrams of difficult concepts
    • On-location video of textbook concepts
    • Every experiment demonstrated on video
  • How to Use Apologia’s Homeschool High School Chemistry Course

    Using a conversational tone, we present challenging science concepts and thought-provoking experiments in an easily navigated, personalized format to help students methodically learn, self-check, and master difficult concepts before moving on.

    Below we have outlined how this chemistry course fits into your high school student’s work plan:

    • Because our texts are written in a conversational tone, the high school chemistry textbook is the expert interacting with the student. There are no teacher manuals required.
    • A flexible daily schedule is provided in your student’s notebook so that they can independently work on their chemistry assignments.
    • A typical week requires studying high school chemistry for about 1 hour a day for 5 days. During this time, students read an assigned portion of their chemistry textbook, stopping throughout each section to answer “On Your Own” questions to test their comprehension before moving forward. Students self-check their answers against the detailed answers provided at the end of each module.
    • Laboratory exercises are conducted throughout each module so that students have a hands-on lab component in their scientific study. These have been designed to easily work in the homeschool environment.
    • At the end of each of 16 modules which take about 2 weeks each to complete, there are Study Guides to help students review their materials before taking their exams. Detailed answers to these questions are provided in the Solutions Manual.
    • If a student is having difficulty with a module, optional extra practice problems are available to provide additional support for a student’s retention and success.
    • Module exams and quarterly exams, as well as detailed answers, are provided in the Solutions Manual.
  • Overview of Apologia’s Homeschool High School Chemistry Course 

    As a creation-based science course, this text goes beyond the facts and figures found in a typical high school chemistry course. Say the term, “Chemistry” and the first thing that pops into most people’s minds is the periodic table.  Take a moment to look at this simple version of the periodic table and answer honestly when asked, “What do you see?”

    Periodic table

    Most people would answer that they see colorful boxes with numbers and letters arranged in a peculiar way. They know that the numbers are important, that the letters are abbreviations, and that the particular arrangement of the boxes is significant.

    Every high school chemistry textbook will instruct students on how to interpret the periodic table. At the end of any good chemistry course, a student should be able to know what those colored boxes, numbers, letters, and arrangements mean. And while this is all very correct and important, there’s something more to this periodic table of the elements that most typical high school chemistry textbooks fail to discuss. Apologia designs its courses to help students make real-world connections. We also give all the glory back to God.

    Think about our universe, our planet, our homes, and our very lives. What do all of these have in common? The chemistry answer is “the elements.” The elements listed in the periodic table constitute all of the ordinary matter, visible and invisible, that we know about. That means that both the stars that we can’t even see with our eyes and our eyes themselves are composed of elements.

    Paper, computers, dirt, and puppies are all composed of elements in the periodic table. Air, distant planets, water, and rockets—all composed of elements. Plants, bugs, and people—elements!

    We stand on the elements and breathe them in with every breath. We build with the elements. We eat the elements in every meal. From galaxies in the vast universe to the tiniest microscopic cell, we experience the elements. Viruses that make you sick, and the researchers that develop cures, as well as the equipment that they use, are all composed of the elements. Our bodies are created from the elements. And because our brains are made from the elements, even our thoughts and opinions can be considered to be properties of the elements. Take another moment to look at the periodic table. What do you see this time?

    Does the periodic table now call you in a new way to explore creation? We think it should, and we invite you to explore creation with Apologia. Our award-winning, creation-based science curriculum helps students investigate, discover, recognize, appreciate, discuss, and understand the wonders of Creation. We take students on a journey through science; other typical science textbooks just give students facts to learn for exams.

    High school students who study chemistry with Apologia’s Bible based curriculum are equipped not only for future college studies but more importantly, life! We aren’t just an academically rigorous textbook. Using a conversational tone, we present challenging science concepts and thought-provoking experiments in an easily navigated, personalized format to help students methodically learn, self-check, and master difficult concepts before moving on. We keep science relevant as well as in its proper place as the means to explore creation!

    Apologia understands that through scientific study we are given a glimpse of God’s thoughts. What a wonderful gift that is to pass to your children, and Apologia Science is honored when you choose our award-winning curriculum to help them learn about God’s creation. We realize that God alone rules over all aspects of our universe, and we will always give glory to Him as we give you and your student the best scientific curriculum to inspire your student to investigate, discover, and discuss His creation.

    One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts.
    Psalm 145:4 NIV

The Importance of a Student Notebook in a High School Chemistry Curriculum

Apologia Student Notebooks for our homeschool chemistry curriculum are specifically designed to help homeschool students be independent and take responsibility for their science studies as they gain and maintain the personal abilities to create structure and logic through note-taking. 

Being able to take helpful notes while completing a science course can make the difference between mastering a concept and not quite understanding it. Good notes provide the following advantages: 

  • Students stay focused on what they are reading.
  • Students pay closer attention, which will increase their retention.
  • Students have their own version of the text to review for tests.
  • Students learn to connect new information to what they already know.

Apologia Student Notebooks are strongly linked to their corresponding textbooks. They Provide Structured Space for:

The Importance of a Lab Component in a High School Chemistry Curriculum 

Colleges want to see a lab component on your student’s high school transcript. This isn’t optional, and Apologia’s award-winning homeschool high school chemistry course is designed to meet this requirement without stressing your homeschool environment.

The materials used in this homeschool high school chemistry course, are mostly common substances found around your home. Specialized materials can be purchased if desired.

Available Video and Online Instruction Options

Enrich your high school student’s human body study with the Video Instruction Thumb Drive available for Exploring Creation with Chemistry. In the videos, Sherri Seligson lectures, corresponding to all the titled sections of the textbook, using visual animations and on-location video clips. This helps students absorb the concepts in a richer and more engaging way, and it encompasses all types of learners. The animations help explain more difficult concepts in a three-dimensional, interactive way rather than in a static, two-dimensional text only. And the medium allows students to review material until they really understand it.

This course includes:

  • On-location footage and more than twenty hours of instruction
  • PowerPoint lectures
  • Animated diagrams of difficult concepts
  • Video presentations of every lab (microscope work, dissections, and experiments) from the textbook

If your homeschool student will learn this content better in an online environment, Apologia’s Live Online Classes offers live instruction and the ability to interact with other students as well as ask questions to an instructor. If your student’s schedule doesn’t work with one of the live class options, there are recorded class options that are graded by the instructor.

Meeting Your Student’s Learning Style 

This comprehensive homeschool high school chemistry course was created to accommodate a wide range of student abilities. To ensure every student’s success, Apologia has created materials to meet every student’s learning style.

Auditory Learners: Sometimes students learn best when they can see and hear what they’re studying. Apologia Audio Books are the complete text of the course read aloud. Students can follow along with the audio while reading their textbooks

Visual Learners: Sometimes the subject matter is easier to comprehend when the topic is animated and presented by a knowledgeable instructor. Apologia Video Instructional courses enhance the student’s education with more than 20 hours of instruction, including on-location video footage, PowerPoint lectures, animated diagrams of difficult concepts, and video presentations of all experiments

Social Learners: Some students learn best when they can interact with others and ask questions of a live instructor. With Apologia’s Live Online Classes, students can interact in real-time with both their classmates and a professional instructor in a structured virtual classroom. Also, our courses are a coop favorite. Check your local coops to see if Apologia Chemistry is offered for your social learner.

Apologia’s high school science courses help your students interactively participate in their educations by fostering their natural inquisitiveness. We recognize that to cultivate curiosity, we must partner with it. Your students will experience personal scientific encounters throughout their high school years that turn facts into a meaningful and natural extension of what they already know about their world and their Creator.