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Science and Faith

Science and Faith

[…] biology and biomedical ethics, over ten years of experience in molecular genetic research, and publications in multiple peer-reviewed scientific journals. Rachael is co-author of the Apologia textbook, Advanced Biology, 2nd edition: The Human Body, and creator of Apologia’s Field Trip Journal. She has worked as an ethicist and science writer for the American Medical Association, the Alzheimer’s Association, […]

What Separates Man from the Animals – Studying Dolphins

What Separates Man from the Animals – Studying Dolphins

[…] is also the featured instructor on the following high school science instructional DVDs from Apologia: Exploring Creation with Biology Instructional DVD, Exploring Creation with Chemistry Instructional DVD, Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology: The Human Body, and has written companion curricula for feature films such as Dolphin Tale and War Horse. Sherri and her husband, David, live in Orlando, Florida. […]

Six Tips to Inspire Your Homeschool Science

Six Tips to Inspire Your Homeschool Science

[…] do in your family and how much you ALL will learn in your homeschool! Vicki Dincher is the author of the General Science, Physical Science, Biology, and Advanced Biology Student Notebooks for Apologia Educational Ministries. She has her masters in biology and although her four children are grown, she hasn’t yet retired from homeschooling. She […]

Astronomy, Astrology, and a Parade of Planets by Davis Carman

Astronomy, Astrology, and a Parade of Planets

Biology, Zoology, Geology. I assume you know that the suffix of these words (i.e., “ology”) means “the study of.” Therefore, you can quickly determine that the corresponding definitions of these words are the study of living organisms, the study of animals, and the study of Earth. What other “ology” words can you think […]

The New Socialization, Blog post by Davis Carman

The New Socialization

Fathers…Take them [your children] by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master. — Ephesians 6:4 (MSG) Even if the name of Ivan Pavlov, the Russian Nobel Prize laureate, doesn’t “ring a bell,” you’ve probably heard of his dogs. Pavlov performed neurological experiments with dogs in an attempt to understand reflexes. He…

Called to See Creation

Called to See Creation

[…] while I live. May my thoughts be pleasing to him. I find my joy in the Lord. Rachael Yunis is the director of Apologia Science. She holds advanced degrees in molecular genetics/developmental biology and biomedical ethics and is the co-author of the Apologia textbook The Human Body, 2nd Edition. Rachael and her husband, Sam, […]

Homeschool Chemistry Curriculum

High School Chemistry Homeschool Curriculum

[…] life on the page, and hands-on experiments solidify the concepts covered. Dive into the world of chemical reactions, elements, and more with our carefully curated resources. Invest in your child’s education with the best high school chemistry homeschooling materials available with Apologia. Don’t forget to check out our Physics, Biology and Advanced Science homeschool resources!

The Secret Ingredient to Successful homeschooling, blog post

The Secret to Success- A Secret Ingredient?

[…] their 10,000 hours in some skill? I sure do. Homeschooling allows for a custom and individualized education. If you have a child who loves and excels in biology, then he can spend an inordinate amount of time studying and mastering that subject.  A homeschooler who wants to be a missionary in China can work on […]

12 Resources to Study Weather with Students

12 Resources to Study Weather with Students

[…] a master’s degree in biology. Her four children, all homeschooled, have earned or are pursuing graduate degrees in the sciences. Vicki has taught high school science, including Advanced Placement courses, since 1995. She remains active in her local homeschool community as director of Creative Home Educators Support Services (CHESS) and creative director for Encore! […]

Creationism and other worldviews blog post by Davis Carman

Creationism v. the Other Worldviews

Apologia publishes Creation-based science curricula. I hope you realize just how unique this is in a world saturated in Darwinism and the teaching of evolution. The perspective from which you teach science will have a profound influence on the understanding, interpretation, and worldview of your students. I believe that all subjects—science, math, language, history, and…

Plan Your Homeschool Year with These 5 Questions

Plan Your Homeschool Year with These 5 Questions

[…] a master’s degree in biology. Her four children, all homeschooled, have earned or are pursuing graduate degrees in the sciences. Vicki has taught high school science, including Advanced Placement courses, since 1995. She remains active in her local homeschool community as director of Creative Home Educators Support Services (CHESS) and creative director for Encore! […]