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Total Results: 57

High School Students: Write a Resume

High School Students: Write a Resume

Do you know how to write a resume? Suppose a family friend alerts you to a part-time job opportunity that sounds perfect for you. Or you learn of an outstanding scholarship in your area of interest—except the deadline is in two days and the application is four pages long.  Do you know how to write…

What Separates Man from the Animals – Studying Dolphins

What Separates Man from the Animals – Studying Dolphins

A homeschool student once asked me,  “What is the difference in God’s eyes between a person and animals?” This is a very good question. Many animals are remarkably intelligent. Some can see further than humans, while others can see things beyond the color spectrum of visible light. Animals often run faster than we can. Many…

Does My Child Have to Choose a Career Path NOW?

Does My Child Have to Choose a Career Path NOW?

We want our children to succeed but how do we facilitate this? How necessary is it that our children choose a career path before graduating high school?

Six Tips to Inspire Your Homeschool Science

Six Tips to Inspire Your Homeschool Science

Science is about the wonder, discovery, and exploration of God’s Creation. Here are six tips to encourage and inspire your homeschool science plans. 1. Get organized and work smarter, not harder. Spend an hour or two each week looking over and planning the week. As a homeschooling mom of four, I enjoyed going to the…

Sound Waves Science Lesson with “Chicken Clucking”

Sound Waves Science Lesson with “Chicken Clucking”

What is Sound? Sound starts as a vibration of the molecules in the air, called sound waves. If the sound wave makes it into a person’s ear, it will vibrate the structures of the inner ear, which will be interpreted by the brain as sound! If sound is caused by a sound wave, why are…

Science and Faith

Science and Faith

We can glimpse God’s signature by using science to understand his Creation. It’s spring, and flowers are blooming in a rainbow of colors. What appeared to be cold, dead earth is coming to life, and landscapers are planting seeds and seedlings. Likewise, this is a good time to grab your kids and plant the seeds…

High School Astronomy Front Cover

High School Astronomy Textbook

This course was designed as an elective course for high school students in 9th – 12th grades. Trusting in the providence of our God, Apologia’s Exploring Creation with High School Astronomy textbook will assist your student in this elective course as they explore the wonder of God’s creation. Using engaging and thoughtful content and vivid graphics and images, Damian R. Ludwiczak, Chief of the Mechanisms and Tribology Branch at NASA Glenn Research Center, wrote and designed this all-in-one student textbook and workbook for students in 9th-12 grade. No prerequisites are required. 

Recommended Grade Level: 9th-12th

Prerequisites: None

High School Astronomy eBook

This course was designed as an elective course for high school students in 9th – 12th grades. Trusting in the providence of our God, Apologia’s Exploring Creation with High School Astronomy textbook will assist your student in this elective course as they explore the wonder of God’s creation. Using engaging and thoughtful content and vivid graphics and images, Damian R. Ludwiczak, Chief of the Mechanisms and Tribology Branch at NASA Glenn Research Center, wrote and designed this all-in-one student textbook and workbook for students in 9th-12 grade. No prerequisites are required. 

Recommended Grade Level: 9th-12th

Prerequisites: None

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Introducing AutoGrade+

Tired of grading your middle and high school student’s tests? Take the guesswork out of grading and simplify your homeschool journey with AutoGrade+ from Apologia. This brand-new product offers automatically generated test scores and saves parents tons of time to focus on other tasks. Its dynamic online testing provides students the opportunity to attempt tests…

Homeschool Preschool Science Curriculum by Apologia

Homeschooling Preschoolers

Are you homeschooling preschoolers? What a fun age! Preschool-age children truly are a wonder. They are full of questions, eager to discover new things, and filled with awe and wonderment. During these introductory preschool years, there lies the perfect opportunity to begin introducing God’s beautiful world of Creation to their open minds and hearts. Train…

the new socialization

The New Socialization

Fathers…Take them [your children] by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master. — Ephesians 6:4 (MSG) Even if the name of Ivan Pavlov, the Russian Nobel Prize laureate, doesn’t “ring a bell,” you’ve probably heard of his dogs. Pavlov performed neurological experiments with dogs in an attempt to understand reflexes. He…

Called to See Creation

Called to See Creation

When I prepare a science topic to teach my students, I always like to start the process by contemplating this biblical quote from Jesus, “You are not thinking as God does, but as human beings do.” As human beings, it is easy to get caught up in the amount of material we cover and the…

Plan Your Homeschool Year with These 5 Questions

Plan Your Homeschool Year with These 5 Questions

Plan your homeschool … if that thought just sent you into a panic, take a deep breath and relax. You don’t need to immediately start hammering out weekly lesson plans quite yet. The best way to start preparing a plan for your homeschool is by taking time to reflect on the past school year. Here’s what you…

12 Resources to Study Weather with Students

12 Resources to Study Weather with Students

Ever planned a family picnic only to have it rained out? Rather than think of it as missed outing, look at this as an opportunity to study weather with your children. We all want to plan our outdoor events for when the weather is prime. Of course, you can just pick a time and hope for…

Creationism and other worldviews

Creationism v. the Other Worldviews

Apologia publishes Creation-based science curricula. I hope you realize just how unique this is in a world saturated in Darwinism and the teaching of evolution. The perspective from which you teach science will have a profound influence on the understanding, interpretation, and worldview of your students. I believe that all subjects—science, math, language, history, and…

The Secret Ingredient

The Secret to Success- A Secret Ingredient?

Why do some people succeed when others don’t?  Why do some people simply rise to the top? Is it ability, practice, or luck? Is there a secret ingredient?  Malcolm Gladwell has written several best-selling books on success in business and decision-making (ex: The Tipping Point and Blink).  In his journalistic investigation titled Outliers, he asked…