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Save 25% off math curriculum with promo code LOVEMATH!

Total Results: 116

Reformation Day Devotional: By Faith Alone, In Christ Alone

Reformation Day Devotional: By Faith Alone, In Christ Alone

[…] the Reformation. Meanwhile, the Word of God spread like wildfire as the Scriptures were translated into common languages (by Luther and others) for the first time and the development of the printing press made it possible for ordinary people to read and study the Bible for themselves. Read the rest of the devotional on

Mathematics Level 6 course set is a hands-on, interactive homeschool math curriculum written to your student in a conversational tone.

Math Level 6 Course Set

Build Your Math, Level 6 Course
Choose from the options below to build your math course set and get the best value! You can download Apologia’s free Math Placement Test to determine which level fits your child best.

 Start with the Student Workbook
 Add the Teaching Guide and Answer Key (highly recommended)

Math Level 5 Course Set

Math Level 5 Course Set

Build Your Math, Level 5 Course Set
Choose from the options below to build your math course set and get the best value! You can download Apologia’s free Math Placement Test to determine which level fits your child best.

 Start with the Student Workbook
 Add the Teaching Guide and Answer Key (highly recommended)

Math Level 4 Course Set

Math Level 4 Course Set

Build Your Math, Level 4 Course
Choose from the options below to build your math course set and get the best value! You can download Apologia’s free Math Placement Test to determine which level fits your child best.

 Start with the Student Workbook
 Add the Teaching Guide and Answer Key (highly recommended)

Math Level 3 Course Set

Math Level 3 Course Set

Build Your Math, Level 3 Course
Choose from the options below to build your math course set and get the best value! You can download Apologia’s free Math Placement Test to determine which level fits your child best.

 Start with the Student Workbook
 Add the Teaching Guide and Answer Key (highly recommended)

Math Level 2 Course Set

Math Level 2 Course Set

Build Your Math, Level 2 Course
Choose from the options below to build your math course set and get the best value! You can download Apologia’s free Math Placement Test to determine which level fits your child best.

 Start with the Student Workbook
 Add the Teaching Guide and Answer Key (highly recommended)

Math Level 1 Course Set

Math Level 1 Course Set

Build Your Math, Level 1 Course
Choose from the options below to build your math course set and get the best value! You can download Apologia’s free Math Placement Test to determine which level fits your child best.

 Start with the Student Workbook
 Add the Teaching Guide and Answer Key (highly recommended)

Exploring Creation with Mathematics Level 6 Workbook

Mathematics Level 6 Student Text and Workbook

[…] are going to study math as a tool to help them know God better and understand their unique place in the universe. Every unit begins with a devotional called Seeing Our Creator that connects the upcoming mathematical concepts to our Creator. Just some of the mathematical concepts covered in this book include fractions and […]

A Call to “Lock Down” and Grieve Our Sin blog feature image

Devotional: A Call to “Lock Down” and Grieve Our Sin

…though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow… — Isaiah 1:18 An Infectious Disease Sin is infectious and deadly. It affects everyone and everything it touches. This infectious nature makes sin not unlike the coronoavirus. During the recent pandemic, the world went into a full-on lockdown in an attempt to…

A Younger Son, an Older Son, and a Father blog feature image

Devotional: A Younger Son, an Older Son, and a Father

The older brother was angry and wouldn’t go in. His father came out and begged him. — Luke 15:28 The Prodigal Son Story You probably are familiar with the parable of The Prodigal Son. In Act One, the younger son asks his father for his share of the inheritance. The father gives, and the son…

Mathematics 5 Student Text and Workbook Main

Mathematics Level 5 Student Text and Workbook

[…] they are going to study math as a tool to help them understand their unique place in the universe. Every unit begins with a Seeing Our Creator devotional that connects the upcoming mathematical concepts to our Creator. In this Mathematics Level 5 course, you’ll find: A suggested daily schedule with thoughtful, systematic pacing through […]

Good Works

Devotional: Good Works

So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. (James 2:17) If you’ve ever been to a wedding or are addicted to the Hallmark Channel, you’re probably familiar with this phrase: “I now pronounce you husband and wife.” Equally well known is the line that follows: “You may kiss the bride.”…

How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. for Your Kids eBook, written by Rachael Carman, will challenge you to seek God’s plan for your family and your life.

How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. for Your Kids eBook

Have you truly opened your H.E.A.R.T. to God’s plan for your life?  This inspirational book,  How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. for Your Kids eBook, written by Rachael Carman, will challenge you to seek God’s plan for your family and your life. A wonderful personal devotional that also makes an excellent book club selection.  

Apologia How Many Times Do I Have to Tell You eBook

How Many Times Do I Have to Tell You? eBook

[…] to tell you many of these same things. Rachael Carman knows how noisy it can be when you’re raising children – she has seven! But this lovely devotional book will help you to hear God’s still, small voice amid the chaos of carpools, cut fingers, and carpet crawlers. You’ll learn how to recognize God’s […]

Mathematics Level 4 student text was designed to encourage your child to dive into a journey of discovering new things about the world and their Creator.

Mathematics Level 4 Student Text and Workbook

The fourth book in Apologia’s hands-on, interactive math curriculum, Exploring Creation with Mathematics, Level 4, student text was designed to encourage your child to dive into a joyous journey of discovering new things about the world and their Creator. As they explore math on a deeper level, students will learn more about symmetrical patterns that open their eyes to the beauty, order, and truth of Creation.

Recommended Grade Level: 4th

How Many Times Do I Have to Tell You Front Cover

How Many Times Do I Have to Tell You?

[…] to tell you many of these same things. Rachael Carman knows how noisy it can be when you’re raising children – she has seven! But this lovely devotional book will help you to hear God’s still, small voice amid the chaos of carpools, cut fingers, and carpet crawlers. You’ll learn how to recognize God’s […]

How to Have a Heart Front Cover

How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. for Your Kids

Have you truly opened your H.E.A.R.T. to God’s plan for your life?  This inspirational book, written by Rachael Carman, will challenge you to seek God’s plan for your family and your life. A wonderful personal devotional that also makes an excellent book club selection.

Mary's Moment A Devotional

Mary’s Moment: A Devotional

“How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?’”  Luke 1:34 Mary’s Moment – Incredible News This moment… Mary’s moment. As a young woman, engaged to be married and faithful to her religion and her family, Mary was given incredible news. Months before Mary’s promise, Zechariah was given the news that…

Math 3 Student Text and Workbook Front Cover

Mathematics Level 3 Student Text and Workbook

Exploring Creation with Mathematics, Level 3, is the third book in Apologia’s hands-on, interactive math curriculum, designed to help your child’s mind soar to new heights as they discover new information about their world and their Creator. Level 3 will broaden your student’s math skills and aid them in pondering creation on a new level.

Recommended Grade Level: 3rd

Devotional: The Wright Way to Rest

Devotional: The Wright Way to Rest

The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. (Mark 2:27) I enjoy reading and am especially drawn to biographies. In October 2015, I spent a good portion of a long international flight listening to the audiobook version of The Wright Brothers by David McCullough. I also have a natural interest in aviation….