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Total Results: 116

How to Plan a Homeschool Graduation 🎓

After 26 years of homeschooling, and seven graduates to show for it, I am intimately familiar with homeschool graduations. Just like public and private school commencement exercises, a homeschool graduation is a ceremony where students who have completed their high school education at home receive a diploma and are recognized for their achievements. These ceremonies…

intentional parenting

Radically Intentional Parenting

Radical intentional parenting is how Davis Carman describes his path in parenthood with his wife, Rachael. He recently sat with Yvette Hampton of Schoolhouse Rocked in a 3-part video series, to talk about his top 10 parenting decisions that have shaped the culture of their family. Davis and his wife, Rachael, have seven children who…

depression and anxiety in homeschool

Hope for Homeschooling With Anxiety and Depression

[…] self-care regimen. Marvel at His creation, and be reminded of His love for you. If you enjoyed this post, check out more from Rachael Carman on the Let’s Talk Homeschool podcast and the Real Refreshment podcast, or read a devotional from Davis Carman all about being rooted in Christ. YouTube player YouTube player YouTube player

6 Ways to Be a Superhero Parent

With nice weather approaching, you might be thinking about how to keep your children occupied and out of trouble. You probably don’t want them playing video games all day, and you certainly don’t want them incessantly complaining about being “bored.” As a homeschooling superhero parent, you also might want to have a little bit of…

The Revival is Right in Front of You

The Revival Right in Front of You

And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. — Joel 2:28 (ESV) Asbury College Spiritual Awakening Last month, a revival broke out unexpectedly at Asbury College,…

The Heavenly Voice of God by Davis Carman

The Heavenly Voice of God

[…] was through Balaam’s donkey. You may or may not have noticed, but one of the “loudest” and most visible ways God speaks is through His creation. This devotional began with verse one of Psalm 19. Check out the next few verses of that Psalm. Days pour out speech. Nights reveal knowledge. There is no […]

Is It Possible to Rejoice During the Coronavirus Crisis?

Is It Possible to Rejoice During the Coronavirus Crisis?

Still, fears abound. As a result, many people will be seeking God for answers. Philippians 4 reminds us Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice

Devotional: Wasting Time

Wasting Time

[…] classes at her church in Madison, Wisconsin, and has been happily married for over 26 years. Make sure to visit Think Divinely and read more on learning to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, and all our MINDS: to Think Divinely! If you enjoyed this devotional by Lisa Quintana, you might enjoy reading Prep Work.

Devotional: Why Utter Destruction?

Why Utter Destruction?

[…] classes at her church in Madison, Wisconsin, and has been happily married for over 26 years. Make sure to visit Think Divinely and read more on learning to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, and all our MINDS: to Think Divinely! If you enjoyed this devotional by Lisa Quintana, you might enjoy reading Prep Work.

Devotional: Prep Work

Prep Work

[…] at her church in Madison, Wisconsin, and has been happily married for over 26 years. Make sure to visit Think Divinely and read more on learning to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, and all our MINDS: to Think Divinely! If you enjoyed this devotional by Lisa Quintana, you might enjoy reading Until the Appearing.

Faith is not Blind

Faith is NOT Blind

[…] teaches classes at her church in Madison, Wisconsin, and has been happily married for over 26 years. Make sure to visit Think Divinely and read more on learning to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, and all our MINDS: to Think Divinely! If you enjoyed this devotional by Lisa Quintana, you might enjoy reading Fools.

Women Witnesses

Women Witnesses

[…] at her church in Madison, Wisconsin, and has been happily married for over 26 years. Make sure to visit Think Divinely and read more on learning to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, and all our MINDS: to Think Divinely! If you enjoyed this devotional by Lisa Quintana, you might enjoy reading Until the Appearing.



[…] classes at her church in Madison, Wisconsin, and has been happily married for over 26 years. Make sure to visit Think Divinely and read more on learning to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, and all our MINDS: to Think Divinely! If you enjoyed this devotional by Lisa Quintana, you might enjoy reading Cosmos Creator.

Reliability of Scripture

Reliability of Scripture

[…] at her church in Madison, Wisconsin, and has been happily married for over 26 years. Make sure to visit Think Divinely and read more on learning to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, and all our MINDS: to Think Divinely! If you enjoyed this devotional by Lisa Quintana, you might enjoy reading Who Are You?

Fresh Wind and Healing Oil - Holy Spirit Refreshment

Fresh Wind and Healing Oil – Holy Spirit Refreshment

[…] include: Good Morning, God, based on Deuteronomy 6, A Light for My Path, an ABC book based on Psalm 119, In the Beginning, based on the Creation account in Genesis, and Psalms to Know Early. If you enjoyed this devotional by Davis Carman, check out Faith: Four Types of Faith, Which Do You Have? or Repentance: Rend Your Heart, Not Your Garments

HEART Exam for Homeschool Dads (and Moms)

HEART Exam for Homeschool Dads (and Moms)

[…] for My Path, an ABC book based on Psalm 119, In the Beginning, based on the Creation account in Genesis, and Psalms to Know Early. If you enjoyed this article by Davis Carman, check out God Loves Baby Steps – A Devotional Based on Zechariah 4:10 or What Clothes Are You Wearing? Davis Carman Apologia Educational Ministries Signature

Empirical Evidence – Verifiable Faith

Empirical Evidence – Verifiable Faith

[…] at her church in Madison, Wisconsin, and has been happily married for over 26 years. Make sure to visit Think Divinely and read more on learning to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, and all our MINDS: to Think Divinely! If you enjoyed this devotional by Lisa Quintana, you might enjoy reading Who Are You?

The John 316 of the Old Testament

The John 3:16 of the Old Testament

[…] God, based on Deuteronomy 6, A Light for My Path, an ABC book based on Psalm 119, In the Beginning, based on the Creation account in Genesis, and Psalms to Know Early. If you enjoyed this devotional by Davis Carman, check out Faith: Four Types of Faith, Which Do You Have? or Repentance: Rend Your Heart, Not Your Garments. Davis signature

Who are you?

Who Are You?

[…] at her church in Madison, Wisconsin, and has been happily married for over 26 years. Make sure to visit Think Divinely and read more on learning to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, and all our MINDS: to Think Divinely! If you enjoyed this devotional by Lisa Quintana, you might enjoy reading The Great Conversation.

The Great Conversation – Pursuit of Truth

The Great Conversation – Pursuit of Truth

[…] classes at her church in Madison, Wisconsin, and has been happily married for over 26 years. Make sure to visit Think Divinely and read more on learning to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, and all our MINDS: to Think Divinely! If you enjoyed this devotional by Lisa Quintana, you might enjoy reading Cosmos Creator.