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Total Results: 198

6 Tips to Inspire Your Homeschool Science

6 Tips to Inspire Your Homeschool Science

Here is a list of six tips to encourage and inspire your homeschool science plans. 1. Stay positive and focus on having fun. Science is about the wonder, discovery, and exploration of God’s Creation. Don’t get bogged down in paperwork. Science is about doing. Make every day happenings a science lesson. During the winter, something…

Creating a Lively Home

Creating a Lively Home

When my brother and I started school at home, we had already experienced both public and private schools. Perhaps because of this, I truly came to love the freedom afforded by homeschooling. There were no permission slips for field trips, I had time to read all I wanted, and there was the flexibility to engage…

The Revival is Right in Front of You

The Revival Right in Front of You

And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. — Joel 2:28 (ESV) Asbury College Spiritual Awakening Last month, a revival broke out unexpectedly at Asbury College,…

Get started homeschooling with these action items to help you start right!

The Best Way to Get Your Homeschool Off to a Good Start

  So you already know in your heart that you should be getting started homeschooling. And you know that with God you can do all things, including climbing this mountain called homeschooling (Matthew 19:26; Philippians 4:13). Yes, the journey will require courage, strength, and perseverance, but you have made the decision and you’re ready to…

Making the Choice: When to Start Homeschooling

Freedom to Live Life as It Was Meant to Be Lived Are you wondering when to start homeschooling?  Homeschooling has been around longer than any other form of education. Before there were brick-and-mortar buildings and teachers with education degrees that prepared them for multitudes of students, there was simply learning passed from one generation to…

Things to Think About in a Post-Roe World: Attitudes and Practices in this Providential Moment

And God blessed them. And God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it…’ — Genesis 1:28 I want you to have kids, kids, and more kids. That pretty much sums up the first words God said to the first man and woman. How well has humankind fared in…

A Call to “Lock Down” and Grieve Our Sin

Devotional: A Call to “Lock Down” and Grieve Our Sin

…though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow… — Isaiah 1:18 An Infectious Disease Sin is infectious and deadly. It affects everyone and everything it touches. This infectious nature makes sin not unlike the coronoavirus. During the recent pandemic, the world went into a full-on lockdown in an attempt to…

Six Tips to Inspire Your Homeschool Science

Six Tips to Inspire Your Homeschool Science

Science is about the wonder, discovery, and exploration of God’s Creation. Here are six tips to encourage and inspire your homeschool science plans. 1. Get organized and work smarter, not harder. Spend an hour or two each week looking over and planning the week. As a homeschooling mom of four, I enjoyed going to the…

teens doing lab experiment

Why We Update Our Products

Why We Update Our Products Why Publish New Editions? There are times in life when tried-and-true is the best course of action, but when it comes to selecting a creation-based science textbook for your child, up-to-date is always best. Each new edition of an Apologia Science textbook is written by experts and edited for technical…

Marine Biology Video Instruction Drive Front Cover

Marine Biology Video Instruction Thumb Drive

Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Marine Biology, 2nd edition, is a college prep course and part of our award-winning homeschooling curriculum. These videos that accompany Marine Biology, featuring Apologia author and marine biologist, Sherri Seligson, will enhance your student’s education with outstanding instruction. The video content includes on-location videos, animations, instructor explanations, experiments, and more. 

This is an optional supplemental product to be used in addition to the textbook, Solutions and Tests Manual, and Student Notebook.

Recommended Course Grade Level: 10th-12th

Prerequisites: Biology

Biology MP3 Audiobook CD Front Cover

Biology MP3 Audiobook CD

The audiobook version of  Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition, is the perfect accompaniment to the textbook for students who are auditory learners, slow readers, or have other learning challenges that make reading difficult.

This is an optional, supplemental product to be used in conjunction with Apologia’s biology textbook, student notebook, and the solutions manual.

Recommended Grade Level: 9th grade


Easy Homeschool Lunch Ideas for Parents

Easy Homeschool Lunch Ideas for Parents

As a homeschool parent, you will enjoy the added benefit of sharing meals gathered around the table throughout the day. This is a beautiful thing, and with a bit of pre-planning, these mealtimes can become a favorite part of your daily homeschool rhythm. Here are some helpful tips to make homeschool lunches a breeze! 1….

Biology MP3 Audiobook Download

The audiobook version of  Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition, is the perfect accompaniment to the textbook for students who are auditory learners, slow readers, or have other learning disabilities that make reading difficult. This is an optional, supplemental product to be used in conjunction with Apologia’s biology textbook, student notebook, and the solutions manual. This audiobook is available with streaming access or as downloadable MP3 audio files.

Recommended Grade Level: 9th grade



Creation – The Who, What, Why, and How?

For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves…  — Romans 8:22-23a The “How” Apologia publishes creation-based science, math, and Bible curriculum. When you hear the term “creation-based,” what comes to mind? Maybe the first thing that pops…

Self-Paced Biology Composite

Choose from the options below to build your Self-Paced Biology course set and get the best value! Apologia’s courses are designed to support all learning styles, allowing you to tailor your curriculum to meet your student’s unique needs and preferences.

To Build Your Course:

Start with the Self-Paced Course (required)
Add a Student Notebook (highly recommended)
Add Lab Equipment (items you’ll need to complete hands-on labs)

Let’s start building your course!

Unlock Free Homeschool Resources with Book Extras

I have had the privilege of homeschooling my children for the past nineteen years and counting. With eight children ranging in age from twenty-five to four, there are days I feel like I will be homeschooling till I die. There are also days when I feel as inadequate to the task as the first day…

What to Prioritize in Your Homeschool

What to Prioritize in Your Homeschool?

His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence. — 2 Peter 1:3 When you made the big life decision to homeschool your children, you took on the monumental responsibility to train, disciple, and educate…

The Charlotte Mason Method: Enriching Children’s Faith and Education

Chances are, if you’re a homeschool mom, you’ve spent some time researching the various homeschooling methods. It’s important to determine the best fit for your family, but it can be a bit overwhelming when there are so many teaching methods to choose from such as Unschooling, Unit-Studies, Classical, Montessori, Traditional, and of course the Charlotte…