Total Results: 153
Who Is My Neighbor? And Why Does He Need Me? is part of Apologia’s award-winning What We Believe – Worldview curriculum and the third book in the series. This course is designed to engage your elementary student’s heart and mind and build a spiritual foundation as they learn what it means to be the salt and light to the world.
Recommended Course Grade Level: 4th-8th
Who Is My Neighbor? eBook is now available on Amazon and Apple.
[btn1] [btn2]Who Am I? And What Am I Doing Here? is part of Apologia’s award-winning What We Believe – Worldview curriculum and the second book in the series. This course is designed to engage your elementary student’s heart and mind as it answers two of the most common yet important questions they have: who am I? And what am I doing here?
Recommended Grade Level: 4th-8th
Who Am I? eBook is now available on Amazon and Apple.
[btn1] [btn2]What On Earth Can I Do? eBook is part of Apologia’s award-winning What We Believe – Worldview curriculum and the fourth book in the series. This course is designed to engage your elementary student’s heart and mind as it teaches them how to put God first in every area of their life.
What On Earth Can I Do? is now available as an ebook on Amazon and Apple.
Recommended Course Grade Level: 4th-8th
[btn1] [btn2][…] are learning, identify important parts of the information presented, take meaningful notes, and complete experiments. Suggested Daily Schedule A suggested daily schedule is included in the student notebook (sold separately) so your student easily understands what is expected of them each day, while also providing flexibility to meet the needs of your student and […]
[…] are learning, identify important parts of the information presented, take meaningful notes, and complete experiments. Suggested Daily Schedule A suggested daily schedule is included in the student notebook (sold separately) so your student easily understands what is expected of them each day, while also providing flexibility to meet the needs of your student and […]
Author Rachael Yunis and retired NASA engineer Sam Yunis team up to deliver Exploring Creation with Earth Science textbook. This is part of the award-winning Young Explorer Series, voted #1 in homeschool science curriculum. This elementary-level Earth Science course points students to God as they discover what makes Earth special and capable of sustaining life.
Recommended Grade Level: K-6th
[…] activities at home. Additional Course Materials Needed Video instruction is a supplemental course resource. You will need to purchase the textbook, solutions and tests manual, and student notebook to complete the full course. Technical Requirements To use this USB product you must have: A USB port on your Windows or Mac computer (USB 2.0 […]
[…] are learning, identify important parts of the information presented, take meaningful notes, and complete experiments. Suggested Daily Schedule A suggested daily schedule is included in the student notebook (sold separately) so your student easily understands what is expected of them each day, while also providing flexibility to meet the needs of your student and […]
Exploring Creation with Botany, 2nd Edition, is part of Apologia’s award-winning Young Explorer Series and is designed for elementary students. This homeschool science curriculum is filled with engaging new content, illustrations, and activities that will increase your student’s fluency with the scientific process and will help enable them to see plants in a whole new way.
Recommended Grade Level: K-6th grade
[…] learners, slow readers, or have other learning disabilities that make reading difficult. This is an optional, supplemental product to be used in conjunction with Apologia’s biology textbook, student notebook, and the solutions manual. This audiobook is available with streaming access or as downloadable MP3 audio files.
[…] the perfect accompaniment to the textbook for students who are auditory learners, slow readers, or have other learning challenges that make reading difficult. This is an optional, supplemental product to be used in conjunction with Apologia’s biology textbook, student notebook, and the solutions manual.
[…] outstanding instruction. The video content includes on-location videos, animations, instructor explanations, experiments, and more. This is an optional supplemental product to be used in addition to the textbook, Solutions and Tests Manual, and Student Notebook.
Recommended Course Grade Level: 10th-12th Prerequisites: Biology
Author Jeannie Fulbright and NASA engineer Damian Ludwiczak team up to deliver Exploring Creation with Astronomy, 2nd Edition. This is part of the award-winning Young Explorer Series, voted #1 in homeschool science curriculum. This elementary Astronomy science textbook explores the far reaches of the universe and points students to the God that created it.
Recommended Grade Level: K-6th
Introducing Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day, 2nd Edition, one of several exciting new Apologia titles for spring 2024. Exploring Creation with Zoology 2 is part of a three-part series in which students explore the animal kingdom and complete hands-on activities to make their learning come to life. Throughout this…
[…] children, your homeschool and your family. Notebooking Journals—A Charlotte Mason Resource Apologia’s Notebooking Journals are the perfect complement to the Young Explorer series. Our Charlotte Mason-based, full-color notebook provides everything your student needs to complete each course, including a place for your students to illustrate and document fascinating facts and information learned during each […]
In Exploring Creation with Zoology 3: Land Animals of the Sixth Day, Jeannie Fulbright outlines an experiment to help demonstrate the effectiveness of God’s design for animal camouflage. Our family completed this fun animal camouflage activity, and the procedure and results are pictured below. We followed the core experiment, then added a little twist after…
[…] “What type of sugar works best to get the most even rise?” Make sure to write your research discoveries and all of these questions in your lab notebook. That way, you can refer back to this information when you need to. This brings us to the next step in the process. Choosing a Testable […]
[…] Apologia’s curricula. Classical Students read before class and participate in predetermined activities in class. This method works well with all ages. Socratic Students complete assigned reading and notebook activities at home before coming to class. Using their notes, students participate in teacher-led group discussions. Instructors may also use this time to provide additional information […]
We’ve been sharing living book suggestions for different areas of science, and today the earth gets her turn! Earth science covers a large breadth of topics, which makes it fun to investigate. Earth Science and Charlotte Mason The Charlotte Mason philosophies have greatly impacted how we design our curriculum. We aim to engage children in…
[…] director for Encore! Home School Productions. Vicki and her husband, Jerry, live in Camp Hill, PA. Vicki is the author of Exploring Creation with Physical Science Student Notebook, Exploring Creation with General Science Student Notebook, Exploring Creation with Biology Student Notebook, and Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology: The Human Body. Vicki Dincher, Author, Apologia […]