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Total Results: 198

Biology Advantage Set Front Cover

Biology Advantage Set

Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition, is part of Apologia’s award-winning science curriculum for homeschooled high school students. With a strong emphasis on vocabulary and experiments, this foundational course covers everything students need to prepare successfully for a college-level biology course.

Recommended Grade Level: 9th grade

How to Do a Science Fair Project

Science fair projects are a wonderful opportunity to go beyond the knowledge you learn in a textbook. Through independent research, a science fair project allows you to explore any scientific or engineering topic that interests you, study a subject in depth and come up with a hands-on experiment that investigates a question you have about…

General Science Basic Set

Apologia’s Exploring Creation with General Science, 3rd Edition, walks middle school students through the transition from elementary to high school sciences. Specifically designed to be the first course of middle school, this science course gives students an understanding of the world that surrounds them so that they can appreciate the real-world relevance of scientific inquiry and the beauty of Creation.

Recommended Grade Level: 7th – 8th grade

General Science Advantage Set

Apologia’s Exploring Creation with General Science, 3rd Edition, is part of Apologia’s award-winning science curriculum for homeschooled middle school students. It is designed to be the first course of middle school and walks students through the transition from elementary to middle school sciences. This General Science course gives students an understanding of the world that surrounds them so they can appreciate the real-world relevance of scientific inquiry and the beauty of Creation.

Recommended Grade Level: 7th – 8th grade

Live Class Advanced Biology

Live Class: Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology

Examine the biology of the human body in Apologia’s Live Class: Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology: The Human Body. Join students worldwide in a course led by Loisann Fowler, who has a B.S. in Science and a certification in functional medicine, in this exciting lab-based high school course.

From whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. -Ephesians 4:16

General Science Super Set

Apologia’s Exploring Creation with General Science, 3rd Edition, is part of Apologia’s award-winning science curriculum for homeschooled middle school students. It is designed to be the first course of middle school and walks students through the transition from elementary to middle school sciences. This General Science course gives students an understanding of the world that surrounds them so they can appreciate the real-world relevance of scientific inquiry and the beauty of Creation.

Recommended Grade Level: 7th – 8th grade

Biology Super Set

Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition, is part of Apologia’s award-winning science curriculum for homeschooled high school students. With a strong emphasis on vocabulary and experiments, this foundational course covers everything students need to prepare successfully for a college-level biology course.

Recommended Grade Level: 9th grade

Animal Camouflage Activity for Elementary Grades

Animal Camouflage Activity for Elementary Grades

In Exploring Creation with Zoology 3: Land Animals of the Sixth Day, Jeannie Fulbright outlines an experiment to help demonstrate the effectiveness of God’s design for animal camouflage. Our family completed this fun animal camouflage activity, and the procedure and results are pictured below. We followed the core experiment, then added a little twist after…

General Science Textbook Front Cover

General Science Textbook

Apologia’s Exploring Creation with General Science, 3rd Edition, is part of Apologia’s award-winning science curriculum for homeschooled middle school students. It is designed to be the first course of middle school and walks students through the transition from elementary to middle school sciences. This General Science course gives students an understanding of the world that surrounds them so they can appreciate the real-world relevance of scientific inquiry and the beauty of Creation.

In order to complete this course, you will need the Student Notebook and the Solutions and Tests Manual.

Recommended Grade Level: 7th – 8th grade

General Science eBook

General Science eBook

The Exploring Creation with General Science, 3rd Edition eBook, is part of Apologia’s award-winning homeschool science curriculum for middle school students designed to help them transition from elementary to middle school. This is a true general science course covering a wide range of branches of science and is available as an eBook on Amazon and Apple.

In order to complete this course, you will need the Student Notebook and the Solutions and Tests Manual.

Recommended Grade Level: 7th – 8th grade

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biology e-book

Biology eBook

Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition, eBook is a part of Apologia’s award-winning, college-prep biology course, and provides a detailed introduction to the methods and concepts of general biology. 

Recommended Grade Level: 9th grade

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Chemistry Advantage Set Front Cover

Chemistry Advantage Set

Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Chemistry, 3rd Edition, is part of Apologia’s award-winning science curriculum for homeschooled high school students, and is designed to be completed in high school. This course provides students with a strong foundation in chemistry with the goal of preparing them for college-level studies. While user-friendly in its design, it fosters in-depth discussions and provides clear and thorough explanations of concepts. It also explores the lives and work of Christian scientists who made a difference in the chemistry field while giving glory to God. It is recommended for students who take this course to be proficient in algebra.

Recommended Grade Level: 10th-11th

Biology Textbook Front Cover

Biology Textbook

The softcover student textbook Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition, is a part of Apologia’s award-winning, college-prep biology course, and provides a detailed introduction to the methods and concepts of general biology. This softcover student textbook contains student instruction, study questions, laboratory exercises, and module study guides with color photos and illustrations.

Recommended Grade Level: 9th grade

Biology Basic Set Front Cover

Biology Basic Set

Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition, is part of Apologia’s award-winning science curriculum for homeschooled high school students. With a strong emphasis on vocabulary and experiments, this foundational course covers everything students need to prepare successfully for a college-level biology course.

Recommended Grade Level: 9th grade

How to Use Apologia in a Co-Op

How to Use Apologia in a Co-Op

We at Apoloiga want to support you and your family in your journey to homeschool. One wonderful resource offered to homeschooling families is the ability to get involved in a co-op. If you’re considering teaching at a co-op, the Apologia Co-Op Kickstart Guide is for you. The guide offers suggested schedules, teaching methods, and additional…

Chemistry Super Set

Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Chemistry, 3rd Edition, is part of Apologia’s award-winning science curriculum for homeschooled high school students, and is designed to be completed in high school. This course provides students with a strong foundation in chemistry with the goal of preparing them for college-level studies. While user-friendly in its design, it fosters in-depth discussions and provides clear and thorough explanations of concepts. It also explores the lives and work of Christian scientists who made a difference in the chemistry field while giving glory to God. It is recommended for students who take this course to be proficient in algebra.

Recommended Grade Level: 10th-11th

Physical Science Super Set

In Exploring Creation with Physical Science, 4th Edition, students will explore the science of God’s physical laws of creation as they study chemistry, physics, earth science, and science research concepts. Students will complete labs and hands-on projects throughout the course for an immersive learning experience with practical application.

Physical Science Advantage Set

In Exploring Creation with Physical Science, 4th Edition, students will explore the science of God’s physical laws of creation as they study chemistry, physics, earth science, and science research concepts. Students will complete labs and hands-on projects throughout the course for an immersive learning experience with practical application.

Who is God Textbook Front Cover

Who Is God? Textbook

Who Is God? And Can I Really Know Him? is part of Apologia’s award-winning What We Believe worldview curriculum. This course is designed to cultivate the heart and mind of your elementary or middle school student as we introduce the concept of a worldview and then help them understand the foundational truths of a Biblical Christian worldview.

Recommended Course Grade Level: 4th-8th

Who Is God? eBook

Who Is God? eBook

Who Is God? And Can I Really Know Him? is part of Apologia’s award-winning What We Believe worldview curriculum. This course is designed to cultivate the heart and mind of your elementary or middle school student as we introduce the concept of a worldview and then help them understand the foundational truths of a Biblical Christian worldview.

Recommended Course Grade Level: 4th-8th

Who Is God? is available as an eBook on Amazon and Apple.

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