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Total Results: 198

Anatomy and Physiology Textbook Front Cover

Anatomy and Physiology Textbook

Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology is part of Apologia’s award-winning Young Explorer Series and a curriculum specifically designed for elementary students. God made the human body wonderfully, and in this course, your student will explore the intricate and amazing design of the human body–from head to toe.  

Recommended Course Grade Level: K-6th

Tips for Homeschooling Multiple Ages

Tips for Homeschooling Multiple Ages

One of the many benefits and challenges of homeschooling is the mix of ages gathered in your school each day. Popular culture says effective teaching means dividing everyone up by ages into “grades” and handing out materials that have been assigned to that group to learn. Children will certainly be mastering skills at different ages,…

living books about earth science

Living Books About Earth Science

We’ve been sharing living book suggestions for different areas of science, and today the earth gets her turn! Earth science covers a large breadth of topics, which makes it fun to investigate. Earth Science and Charlotte Mason The Charlotte Mason philosophies have greatly impacted how we design our curriculum. We aim to engage children in…

Chemistry eBook

Chemistry eBook

Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Chemistry, 3rd Edition, is part of Apologia’s award-winning science curriculum for homeschooled high school students, and is designed to be completed in high school. This course provides students with a strong foundation in chemistry with the goal of preparing them for college-level studies. While user-friendly in its design, it fosters in-depth discussions and provides clear and thorough explanations of concepts. It also explores the lives and work of Christian scientists who made a difference in the chemistry field while giving glory to God. It is recommended for students who take this course to be proficient in algebra.

Recommended Grade Level: 10th-11th

You can purchase through Apple or Amazon.

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Chemistry Textbook Front Cover

Chemistry Textbook

Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Chemistry, 3rd Edition, is part of Apologia’s award-winning science curriculum for homeschooled high school students, and is designed to be completed in high school. This course provides students with a strong foundation in chemistry with the goal of preparing them for college-level studies. While user-friendly in its design, it fosters in-depth discussions and provides clear and thorough explanations of concepts. It also explores the lives and work of Christian scientists who made a difference in the chemistry field while giving glory to God. It is recommended for students who take this course to be proficient in algebra.

Recommended Grade Level: 10th-11th

The Word in Motion Old Testament Advantage Set Front Cover

The Word in Motion Old Testament Advantage Set

Apologia’s The Word in Motion Old Testament is the first volume in an illustrated, two-part Bible curriculum that equips students to know, live, and share the Word of God. As kids understand how the books of the Bible work together to tell the larger story of God’s love for people, they begin to understand God better and read the Word with purpose, passion, and real understanding.

Recommended Grade Level: K-8th Grade

The Word in Motion Old Testament Basic Set Front Cover

The Word in Motion Old Testament Basic Set

Apologia’s The Word in Motion Old Testament is the first volume in an illustrated, two-part Bible curriculum that equips students to know, live, and share the Word of God. As kids understand how the books of the Bible work together to tell the larger story of God’s love for people, they begin to understand God better and read the Word with purpose, passion, and real understanding.

Recommended Grade Level: K-8th Grade

The Word in Motion New Testament Advantage Set Front Cover

The Word in Motion New Testament Advantage Set

Apologia’s The Word in Motion New Testament is the second volume in an illustrated, two-part Bible curriculum that equips students to know, live, and share the Word of God. As kids understand how the books of the Bible work together to tell the larger story of God’s love for people, they begin to understand God better and read the Word with purpose, passion, and real understanding.

Recommended Grade Level: K-8th Grade

The Word in Motion New Testament Basic Set Front Cover

The Word in Motion New Testament Basic Set

Apologia’s The Word in Motion New Testament is the second volume in an illustrated, two-part Bible curriculum that equips students to know, live, and share the Word of God. As kids understand how the books of the Bible work together to tell the larger story of God’s love for people, they begin to understand God better and read the Word with purpose, passion, and real understanding.

Recommended Grade Level: K-8th Grade

Chemistry Basic Set Front Cover

Chemistry Basic Set

Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Chemistry, 3rd Edition, is part of Apologia’s award-winning science curriculum for homeschooled high school students, and is designed to be completed in high school. This course provides students with a strong foundation in chemistry with the goal of preparing them for college-level studies. While user-friendly in its design, it fosters in-depth discussions and provides clear and thorough explanations of concepts. It also explores the lives and work of Christian scientists who made a difference in the chemistry field while giving glory to God. It is recommended for students who take this course to be proficient in algebra.

Recommended Grade Level: 10th-11th

Advanced Biology Advantage Set Front Cover

Advanced Biology Advantage Set

Apologia’s award-winning Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology: The Human Body, 2nd Edition, is part of Apologia’s award-winning science curriculum. It is designed to be completed in high school and is a college-prep level course. This homeschool science curriculum takes an advanced approach to teach your student about the amazing design of the human body and its systems.

Recommended Course Grade Level: 12th

Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry

Advanced Biology Super Set

Apologia’s award-winning Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology: The Human Body, 2nd Edition, is part of Apologia’s award-winning science curriculum. It is designed to be completed in high school and is a college-prep level course. This homeschool science curriculum takes an advanced approach to teach your student about the amazing design of the human body and its systems. 

Recommended Course Grade Level: 12th

Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry

Physical Science eBook

In Exploring Creation with Physical Science, 4th Edition, students will explore the science of God’s physical laws of creation as they study chemistry, physics, earth science, and science research concepts. Students will complete labs and hands-on projects throughout the course for an immersive learning experience with practical application.

This ebook is available for purchase on Amazon and Apple.

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Physical Science Basic Set

In Exploring Creation with Physical Science, 4th Edition, students will explore the science of God’s physical laws of creation as they study chemistry, physics, earth science, and science research concepts. Students will complete labs and hands-on projects throughout the course for an immersive learning experience with practical application.

Physical Science Textbook

In Exploring Creation with Physical Science, 4th Edition, students will explore the science of God’s physical laws of creation as they study chemistry, physics, earth science, and science research concepts. Students will complete labs and hands-on projects throughout the course for an immersive learning experience with practical application.

Chemistry and Physics Textbook Front Cover

Chemistry and Physics Textbook

Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics is part of Apologia’s award-winning Young Explorer Series and a curriculum specifically designed for elementary students. Your student will appreciate the fascinating (and fun!) world of science in a whole new way as they study the basic building blocks of creation, atoms and molecules, simple chemicals, the laws of motion, and energy in its many forms. 

Recommended Course Grade Level: K-6th

Live Class: What We Believe 1

Join David Webb, co-author of the What We Believe series, for this live course based on volumes one and two of the award-winning series. You will build your faith and strengthen your spiritual walk as you study who God is, how you can know Him better, and what it means that you are made in His image.

And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. – John 17:3

When God created mankind, he made them in the likeness of God. He created them male and female and blessed them. – Genesis 5:1-2

Live Class What We Believe Part 2

Live Class: What We Believe 2

Join David Webb, co-author of the What We Believe series, for this live course based on volumes three and four of the award-winning series. You will learn to be salt and light at home and in the world as you explore how to love the way Jesus loves and how to live every part of life in a way that bears good fruit and pleases God.

The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” – Mark 12:30-31

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’” — Matthew 25:23

Zoology 2 Textbook

Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day, 2nd Edition presents the science of sea creatures in a God-honoring way to elementary students. In this special ocean-centered zoology book, students will learn all about God’s glorious design of swimming creatures. Students will dive right into the world of ocean creatures and learn about the connections animals make with people as they study oceanography, animal behavior, and more. Students will also conduct hands-on, interactive experiments to bring their learning to life.

Plan Your Homeschool Year with These 5 Questions

Plan Your Homeschool Year with These 5 Questions

Plan your homeschool … if that thought just sent you into a panic, take a deep breath and relax. You don’t need to immediately start hammering out weekly lesson plans quite yet. The best way to start preparing a plan for your homeschool is by taking time to reflect on the past school year. Here’s what you…