Total Results: 153
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. — Joel 2:28 (ESV) Asbury College Spiritual Awakening Last month, a revival broke out unexpectedly at Asbury College,…
His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence. — 2 Peter 1:3 When you made the big life decision to homeschool your children, you took on the monumental responsibility to train, disciple, and educate…
[…] the kitchen table, fill their plates, watch Rachael Carman’s The Word in Motion video, read the chapter aloud, discuss it as a family, and work through the notebook while they eat. Before you know it, you’ve got two of the most essential parts of the day done! This works great with breakfast, so your […]
And God blessed them. And God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it…’ — Genesis 1:28 I want you to have kids, kids, and more kids. That pretty much sums up the first words God said to the first man and woman. How well has humankind fared in…
Here is a list of six tips to encourage and inspire your homeschool science plans. 1. Stay positive and focus on having fun. Science is about the wonder, discovery, and exploration of God’s Creation. Don’t get bogged down in paperwork. Science is about doing. Make every day happenings a science lesson. During the winter, something…
Chances are, if you’re a homeschool mom, you’ve spent some time researching the various homeschooling methods. It’s important to determine the best fit for your family, but it can be a bit overwhelming when there are so many teaching methods to choose from such as Unschooling, Unit-Studies, Classical, Montessori, Traditional, and of course the Charlotte…
Will we continue to see a surge in home education? The answer is, probably! Homeschooling continues to rise, here are three reasons why! According to recent articles from The Epoch Times and The Daily Wire, public schools in America might face a severe teacher shortage in the 2022–2023 school year. I have to think this…
May is a month for graduations. At the Carman home, we’ll celebrate a homeschool graduation this Saturday. But it’s not our first rodeo. As a matter of fact, this will be our seventh and final ceremony complete with all the fixings: food, dessert, speeches, pictures, dancing, and more. I’ll be sure to take it all…
You Learned That You Really Can Homeschool In February 2020, you may have believed there was no way you could ever educate your kids at home. Maybe you thought it would be too hard, that you were too impatient or disorganized or simply not smart enough. Or perhaps you had the confidence and the chutzpah…
[…] teaching the 3rd Edition of General Science for the first time this year, and I just wanted to let you know that this is the best book and student notebook I have ever used or seen. Thank you for an exceptional program! I love it, the kids love it, the parents love it, and it prepares […]
The home, and its surrounding community, used to be the center of family life, a place pulsing with productivity and learning. A lively home is hard to find now. How can you cultivate one? Let’s find out! When my brother and I started school at home, we had already experienced both public and private schools….
Science is about the wonder, discovery, and exploration of God’s Creation. Here are six tips to encourage and inspire your homeschool science plans. 1. Get organized and work smarter, not harder. Spend an hour or two each week looking over and planning the week. As a homeschooling mom of four, I enjoyed going to the…
So you already know in your heart that you should be getting started homeschooling. And you know that with God you can do all things, including climbing this mountain called homeschooling (Matthew 19:26; Philippians 4:13). Yes, the journey will require courage, strength, and perseverance, but you have made the decision and you’re ready to…