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Where Do I Begin?

Whether you’re a seasoned homeschooling parent or a parent considering homeschooling for the first time, choosing the best homeschool curriculum for your children is both a challenge and a blessing. 

As a parent, you deeply understand your child’s individual learning styles, gifts, challenges, and interests. This makes you as the parent uniquely qualified to select the homeschool curriculum that fits your family’s needs. You are no longer in the realm of one curriculum choice that fits every child in a brick-and-mortar schoolroom, which opens up a whole new realm of learning possibilities.

As you begin your homeschool curriculum research, you may not know where to start in your search for homeschool resources or you might find the vast quantities of options to be overwhelming. 

“I just wanted to say thank you for your faithful production of high-quality, Biblically-based resources. My family and I have been positively shaped by the sound content.”

– Apologia Customer

5 Key Tips for Choosing Homeschool Curriculum

  • Use a Reputable Source

    With the incredible increase in companies offering homeschool curricula, it can be difficult to wade through curriculum providers that are reputable, offer good customer service, and produce a high-quality product. 

    Apologia is trusted in the worldwide homeschooling community, has been publishing homeschool curricula for over 20 years, and has received over 100 #1 awards for 12 years in a row. We are continually voted the best homeschool curriculum in science, government, and biblical worldview categories. 

    In addition, Apologia has a dedicated customer service team that provides support and resources to help families on their homeschool journey and position them and their children for success. By equipping them with the tools they need, parents and students can achieve their academic goals and develop an understanding and love for God that informs how they navigate the world for the rest of their lives. 

  • Make a Plan

    Organize your ideas and thoughts for choosing a homeschool curriculum by using a planner, spreadsheet, notebook, or whatever works best for you. Visualizing curriculum options through a written plan can help you make decisions. You can download Apologia’s Curriculum Planning Guide and utilize the handy curriculum planning pages as a starting point. 

    This is no longer the homeschool curriculum landscape of 1970. Once upon a time, all the curriculum options available to homeschooling families could fit on one table. Back in the early days of homeschooling, many homeschooling families had to do some extensive searching to find textbooks. In fact, back in the early days of homeschooling, many had to do some dumpster diving behind schools to get textbooks.

    However, this is not the case anymore. Homeschooling families have become such a growing market that companies seek out homeschoolers with a wealth of curriculum options.

  • Consider Your Worldview 

    When considering a homeschool curriculum, it is important to ask the question, “Does the worldview of the curriculum align with that of our family?”

    Apologia’s curriculum is written with a Biblical worldview that is designed to help students learn, live, and defend the Christian faith. Shaping the lens in which children view the world with a God-honoring education will allow them to grow not only academically, but also to flourish in their faith. 

  • Know Your Objectives

    As you set out to determine the right homeschool curriculum, you need to know your objectives. Perhaps your objective is that your children know God and serve Him every day of their lives, that they are articulate and well-read, and that they can write and do fundamental things. 

    Different curricula are going to meet different objectives. The combination of knowing God, yourself, your children, and your objectives will give you the confidence to make important decisions regarding curriculum choice.

  • Make a Prayerful Decision

    God is so faithful, He has your back, and He has a plan. Knowing God and seeking His wisdom through prayer will give you the peace, assurance, confidence, and grace needed to homeschool and make the many decisions you will need to make along the journey. Although you may feel very alone on some days, you are not. The God of the universe is right there with you. In every frustrating or glorious moment, He is there with you. 

    Homeschooling is a lot less about what you are capable of and completely about what He can do through you when you submit to Him. If you are joining the ranks of homeschooling parents, welcome! You can do this! Pray and seek God, submit to His will, and trust in His plan for you. 

Ready to Get Started? Claim Your FREE Curriculum Planning Guide.

Receive your FREE Curriculum Planning Guide from Apologia when you subscribe to the Apologia email list below. This guide will help you outline goals and plans as you choose the homeschool curriculum that fits your family’s needs.