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Live Class: Advanced Apologetics

Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $380.00.

Join students worldwide in a study to learn, live, and defend the Christian faith in Apologia’s Live Class: Advanced Apologetics: Preparing for College & Beyond, led by Dr. Brian Huffling.

…But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect. -1 Peter 3:15

GRADE LEVEL: 9th – 12th & Adults (recommended)
CLASS DATES: Aug 21, 2024-May 7, 2025
DAY OF THE WEEK: Wednesday
TIME: 1:45 pm-2:45 pm ET
SKU: ALOC-ADVA-001 Categories: , , ,
Dr. Brian Huffling photo


Dr. Brian Huffling

B.A. History, M.A. Apologetics, Biblical Studies, and Philosophy, Ph.D. Philosophy of Religion

Dr. Huffling is from Charlotte, NC, and is married to his wife, Lacey. He has a BA in History with a minor in Bible from Lee University, an MA in Apologetics, Biblical Studies, and Philosophy from Southern Evangelical Seminary, and a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Religion from SES. He has served on various church staffs. He has served in the Marines and Navy and is currently a reserve Air Force chaplain. He is ordained with the Southern Baptist Convention and endorsed for military chaplaincy with the Associated Gospel Churches.

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In Apologia’s Live Advanced Apologetics class, students will examine the common arguments made to dispute Christianity. They will explore topics such as the nature of truth, the existence of God, the problem of evil, the textual and historical reliability of the Bible, and the resurrection. 

Prerequisites: None (Recommended: Christian Apologetics: Defending Christianity Against Atheism)
Course Credit: One High School Elective Credit


View or download the class syllabus.

View Syllabus

Required Class Materials

  • Huffling, Brian J., and Douglas E. Potter. Apologetics Before College.
    • This source will be provided by the instructor as a PDF.
  • Computer with microphone

Course Topics

Students will be taught how to:

  • Articulate the Gospel
  • Defend the absolute nature of truth, the existence of God, the problem of evil, the reliability of the Bible, and the deity and resurrection of Christ 
  • Explain and refute the claims of popular atheists and skeptics

Recorded Classes

All classes are video recorded and available for students to watch later so they don’t miss any instruction.

International Students

We welcome international students from across the world. Please note that all classes are taught in the Eastern time zone. 

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Terms and Conditions

You must review and agree to all live class terms and conditions prior to purchase.

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