In Apologia’s Live English Literature 101 class, students will read eight character-building books by Lamplighter Ministries. These books aim to strengthen students’ relationship with Christ as they study the Christian themes woven throughout each book and apply those truths to their lives. Students will also learn to think critically about story elements, such as characters, plots, and themes.
Prerequisites: None
Course Credit: One Middle School English Credit
View or download the class syllabus.
View SyllabusRequired Class Materials
- The Basket of Flowers by Christoph von Schmid
- Amy and Her Brothers by Sarah S. Baker
- The White Knights by W.E. Cule
- The Giant Killer by A.L.O.E.
- Christie, the King’s Servant by Mrs. O.F. Walton
- My Golden Ship by Mary E. Ropes
- Jack the Conqueror by Mrs. C.E. Bowen
- Joseph’s Shield by Pansy
- Computer with microphone
Course Topics
Biblical themes:
- The Basket of Flowers: Honesty & Modesty
- Amy and Her Brothers: Forgiveness
- The White Knights: Serving others
- The Giant Killer: Killing Sin & Putting on Righteousness
- Christie, the King’s Servant: Surrendering to Christ
- My Golden Ship: Forsaking envy & practicing contentment
- Jack the Conqueror: Working hard & overcoming difficulties
- Joseph’s Shield: Obeying the Word of God
Course Specifics
At the end of each book study, students will be required to write a 350–500-word essay. At the conclusion of each semester, students will take an exam to quiz their knowledge of the books studied.
Recorded Classes
All classes are video recorded and available for students to watch later so they don’t miss any instruction.
International Students
We welcome international students from across the world. Please note that all classes are taught in the eastern time zone.
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