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Interactive Live Class
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Taught from a Biblical Worldview

Live Class: What We Believe 1

Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $380.00.

Join David Webb, co-author of the What We Believe series, for this live course based on volumes one and two of the award-winning series. You will build your faith and strengthen your spiritual walk as you study who God is, how you can know Him better, and what it means that you are made in His image.

And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. – John 17:3

When God created mankind, he made them in the likeness of God. He created them male and female and blessed them. – Genesis 5:1-2

GRADE LEVEL: 6th – 9th (recommended)
CLASS DATES: Aug 20, 2024-May 6, 2025
TIME: 1:00 pm-2:00 pm ET
SKU: ALOC-WWB1-001 Categories: , , , ,
David Webb photo


David Webb

Biblical Worldview

David Webb is co-author of the What We Believe series, Apologia’s award-winning biblical worldview curriculum. A former film industry professional, David has spent three decades in the publishing field, developing books and resources with many of today’s leading Christian authors and educators.

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In Apologia’s Live Class, What We Believe Part 1, students will build their faith and improve their spiritual walk as they study who God is, how they can know Him better, and what it means that they are made in His image.

Prerequisites: None
Course Credit: One Middle School Elective Credit


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Course Topics

Semester 1: Who Is God? And Can I Really Know Him?

During the first half of this course, we will explore who God is and what He is like while also building the foundation of a biblical worldview. Some of the important truths we will explore include:

  • God is truth, and He reveals truth to people.
  • He is all-knowing and almighty.
  • God is fully present everywhere, all the time.
  • He is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—three persons in one.
  • We are made to love and praise Him.
  • He wants us to depend on Him, and He will meet our needs.
  • Sin separates us from God.
  • Jesus is our Redeemer and the only way to God.

Semester 2: Who Am I? And What Am I Doing Here?

During the second half of this course, students will work toward building a healthy, biblical self-image while exploring what it means to be made in God’s image. We will explore how to:

  • Become more Christlike each day
  • Discover God’s calling on your life
  • Manage your thoughts
  • Deal with your emotions in a godly way
  • Know the wise thing to do and make good choices
  • Develop good spiritual habits
  • Grow the fruit of the Spirit in your life

Students will also be introduced to the basic beliefs of several nonbiblical worldviews, including Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, New Ageism, socialism, and humanism.

Recorded Classes

All classes are video recorded and available for students to watch later so they don’t miss any instruction.

International Students

We welcome international students from across the world. Please note that all classes are taught in the Eastern time zone. 

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