What On Earth Can I Do? is the fourth book in the homeschool What We Believe curriculum series. What children believe is important–it shapes who they are and the choices they make. But it’s growing increasingly difficult for them to understand what is true and what isn’t. They are inundated with competing messages about truth and every song, show, book and game offers its own version of morality, identity and faith. This course is designed to equip your student with the ability to understand the truth about God, the story He is writing in the world, and how He wants to work in and through them.
What On Earth Can I Do? is now available as an ebook on Apple and Amazon.
Curriculum Overview
What On Earth Can I Do? is a study designed to help your student understand how to rightly relate to God and follow Him with their whole heart. Through engaging lessons and activities, your student will learn what it means to love and follow Jesus and be a “good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23). Some biblical truths they’ll encounter in this course include:
- God owns all things because He created and sustains all things
- He has entrusted me with certain gifts and wants me to use these gifts for His glory
- I honor God by using my money and possessions wisely
- I glorify Him by investing my time and talents wisely
- My body is not my own but has been bought at a price
- God expects me to care for His creation
- God will reward me for my faithfulness
As they study the lessons in the textbook, engage with the notebooking journal (sold separately), and work through the activities, they’ll cover a wide range of lesson topics that answer questions such as:
- Your story or God’s story?
- Who put you in charge?
- Will you be found faithful?
- Where is your treasure?
- Where does your time go?
- Whose life is it anyway?
- Why isn’t it easy being green?
- What will happen when the master returns?
Meet the Authors
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