This is the audiobook version of the What On Earth Can I Do? textbook. This is the perfect accompaniment to the textbook for students who are auditory learners, slow readers, or have other learning challenges that make reading difficult. It can also be a great resource for families who are looking for a new bedtime story or family devotional!
How Do I Download What On Earth Can I Do? Audiobook?
There are two options for downloading What On Earth Can I Do? audiobook with over 10 hours and 30 minutes recorded by Marissa Leinart.
Option 1
Download a copy of the What On Earth Can I Do? MP3 Audio CD to your computer. The MP3 CD Download is a single .zip file containing .mp3 files and includes a Windows-based MP3 player as well.
Option 2
Download a more traditional audiobook option of 1 MP3 file per Lesson. Each Lesson is a single .mp3 file with 30-75 minutes of audio.
Special notes:
- Apple devices require MP3 files to be downloaded to a computer first and put on a device using Apple Music.
- You MUST create a customer account in order to download this material. If you do NOT already have an account, you need to create one as part of the checkout process.
- After purchase, you will receive an email with links to access the downloadable content.
- This product is non-refundable.